Lifen Jiang
Lifen Jiang
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Cited by
Quantifying global soil carbon losses in response to warming
TW Crowther, KEO Todd-Brown, CW Rowe, WR Wieder, JC Carey, ...
Nature 540, 104-108, 2016
Spartina alterniflora invasions in the Yangtze River estuary, China: an overview of current status and ecosystem effects
BO Li, C Liao, X Zhang, H Chen, Q Wang, Z Chen, X Gan, J Wu, B Zhao, ...
Ecological Engineering 35 (4), 511-520, 2009
Global meta-analysis shows pervasive phosphorus limitation of aboveground plant production in natural terrestrial ecosystems
E Hou, Y Luo, Y Kuang, C Chen, X Lu, L Jiang, X Luo, D Wen
Nature communications 11 (1), 637, 2020
Toward more realistic projections of soil carbon dynamics by Earth system models
YL Luo, A Ahlström, SD Allison, NH Batjes, V Brovkin, N Carvalhais, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30, 40-56, 2016
Temperature response of soil respiration largely unaltered with experimental warming
JC Carey, J Tang, PH Templer, KD Kroeger, TW Crowther, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2016
Patterns and mechanisms of responses by soil microbial communities to nitrogen addition
Z Zhou, C Wang, M Zheng, L Jiang, Y Luo
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 115, 433-441, 2017
Invasion of Spartina alterniflora Enhanced Ecosystem Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in the Yangtze Estuary, China
C Liao, Y Luo, L Jiang, X Zhou, X Wu, C Fang, J Chen, B Li
Ecosystems 10, 1351-1361, 2007
Microbial carbon use efficiency promotes global soil carbon storage
F Tao, Y Huang, BA Hungate, S Manzoni, SD Frey, MWI Schmidt, ...
Nature 618 (7967), 981-985, 2023
Asymmetric responses of primary productivity to precipitation extremes: a synthesis of grassland precipitation manipulation experiments
KR Wilcox, Z Shi, LA Gherardi, NP Lemoine, SE Koerner, DL Hoover, ...
Global change biology 23 (10), 4376-4385, 2017
Trends in soil microbial communities during secondary succession
Z Zhou, C Wang, L Jiang, Y Luo
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 115, 92-99, 2017
Bioturbation of burrowing crabs promotes sediment turnover and carbon and nitrogen movements in an estuarine salt marsh
JQ Wang, XD Zhang, LF Jiang, MD Bertness, CM Fang, JK Chen, T Hara, ...
Ecosystems 13, 586-599, 2010
Differential responses of ecosystem respiration components to experimental warming in a meadow grassland on the Tibetan Plateau
JI Chen, Y Luo, J Xia, Z Shi, L Jiang, S Niu, X Zhou, J Cao
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 220, 21-29, 2016
Rhizosphere effects on soil bacterial abundance and diversity in the Yellow River Deltaic ecosystem as influenced by petroleum contamination and soil salinization
M Nie, X Zhang, J Wang, L Jiang, J Yang, Z Quan, X Cui, C Fang, B Li
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (12), 2535-2542, 2009
Understanding plant-microbe interactions for phytoremediation of petroleum-polluted soil
M Nie, Y Wang, J Yu, M Xiao, L Jiang, J Yang, C Fang, J Chen, B Li
PloS one 6 (3), e17961, 2011
Stronger warming effects on microbial abundances in colder regions
J Chen, Y Luo, J Xia, L Jiang, X Zhou, M Lu, J Liang, Z Shi, S Shelton, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 18032, 2015
Gene-informed decomposition model predicts lower soil carbon loss due to persistent microbial adaptation to warming
X Guo, Q Gao, M Yuan, G Wang, X Zhou, J Feng, Z Shi, L Hale, L Wu, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4897, 2020
Evidence for long‐term shift in plant community composition under decadal experimental warming
Z Shi, R Sherry, X Xu, O Hararuk, L Souza, L Jiang, J Xia, J Liang, Y Luo
Journal of Ecology 103 (5), 1131-1140, 2015
Effects of saltmarsh invasion by Spartina alterniflora on arthropod community structure and diets
YT Wu, CH Wang, XD Zhang, B Zhao, LF Jiang, JK Chen, B Li
Biological Invasions 11, 635-649, 2009
Dual mechanisms regulate ecosystem stability under decade-long warming and hay harvest
Z Shi, L Xu, Xia, Souza, K Wilcox, L Jiang, J Liang, J Xia, ...
Nature Communications 7, 11973, 2016
Variations and controlling factors of soil denitrification rate
Z Li, Z Tang, Z Song, W Chen, D Tian, S Tang, X Wang, J Wang, W Liu, ...
Global Change Biology, 2021
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Articles 1–20