Jens Lange
Jens Lange
HMU Health and Medical University Erfurt
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Cited by
Dispositional Envy Revisited Unraveling the Motivational Dynamics of Benign and Malicious Envy
J Lange, J Crusius
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41 (2), 284-294, 2015
What catches the envious eye? Attentional biases within malicious and benign envy
J Crusius, J Lange
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 55, 1-11, 2014
The tango of two deadly sins: The social-functional relation of envy and pride.
J Lange, J Crusius
Journal of personality and social psychology 109 (3), 453, 2015
The evil queen's dilemma: Linking narcissistic admiration and rivalry to benign and malicious envy
J Lange, J Crusius, B Hagemeyer
European Journal of Personality 30 (2), 168-188, 2016
The Painful Duality of Envy: Evidence for an Integrative Theory and a Meta-Analysis on the Relation of Envy and Schadenfreude.
J Lange, AC Weidman, J Crusius
Journal of personality and social psychology, 2018
Envy: An adversarial review and comparison of two competing views
J Crusius, MF Gonzalez, J Lange, Y Cohen-Charash
Emotion Review 12 (1), 3-21, 2020
Toward an Integrative Psychometric Model of Emotions
J Lange, J Dalege, D Borsboom, GA van Kleef, AH Fischer
Perspectives on Psychological Science 15 (2), 444-468, 2020
Elucidating the dark side of envy: Distinctive links of benign and malicious envy with dark personalities
J Lange, DL Paulhus, J Crusius
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (4), 601-614, 2018
How do people respond to threatened social status? Moderators of benign versus malicious envy
J Crusius, J Lange
Envy at work and in organizations: Research, theory, and applications, 85-110, 2017
Suspicious binds: Conspiracy thinking and tenuous perceptions of causal connections between co‐occurring and spuriously correlated events
RC van der Wal, RM Sutton, J Lange, JPN Braga
European journal of social psychology 48 (7), 970-989, 2018
A status-seeking account of psychological entitlement
J Lange, L Redford, J Crusius
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (7), 1113-1128, 2019
How hierarchy shapes our emotional lives: Effects of power and status on emotional experience, expression, and responsiveness
GA van Kleef, J Lange
Current opinion in psychology 33, 148-153, 2020
Reading emotions, reading people: Emotion perception and inferences drawn from perceived emotions
J Lange, MW Heerdink, GA Van Kleef
Current opinion in psychology 43, 85-90, 2022
Dispositional envy: A conceptual review
J Lange, L Blatz, J Crusius
SAGE Handbook of personality and individual differences. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2018
Schadenfreude as social-functional dominance regulator.
J Lange, L Boecker
Emotion 19 (3), 489, 2019
Humor styles across 28 countries
JA Schermer, R Rogoza, MM Kwiatkowska, CM Kowalski, S Aquino, ...
Current Psychology, 1-16, 2019
Emotions as overlapping causal networks of emotion components: Implications and methodological approaches
J Lange, JH Zickfeld
Emotion Review 13 (2), 157-167, 2021
Dispositional greed predicts benign and malicious envy
J Crusius, J Thierhoff, J Lange
Personality and Individual Differences 168, 110361, 2021
Counterfactual thoughts distinguish benign and malicious envy.
J Crusius, J Lange
Emotion 21 (5), 905, 2021
An interdisciplinary perspective on the value of envy
J Lange, S Protasi
Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (2), 403-422, 2024
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Articles 1–20