Daniela Conti
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Cited by
Robots in education and care of children with developmental disabilities: a study on acceptance by experienced and future professionals
D Conti, S Di Nuovo, S Buono, A Di Nuovo
International Journal of Social Robotics 9 (1), 51-62, 2017
“Robot, tell me a tale!”: A Social Robot as tool for Teachers in Kindergarten
D Conti, C Cirasa, S Di Nuovo, A Di Nuovo
Interaction Studies 21 (2), 220-242, 2020
Deep learning systems for estimating visual attention in robot-assisted therapy of children with autism and intellectual disability
A Di Nuovo, D Conti, G Trubia, S Buono, S Di Nuovo
Robotics 7 (2), 25, 2018
The use of UTAUT and Post Acceptance models to investigate the attitude towards a telepresence robot in an educational setting
J Han, D Conti
Robotics 9 (2), 34, 2020
Use of robotics to stimulate imitation in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A pilot study in a clinical setting
D Conti, S Di Nuovo, S Buono, G Trubia, A Di Nuovo
2015 24th IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive …, 2015
Psychometric Evaluation Supported by a Social Robot: Personality Factors and Technology Acceptance
S Rossi, G Santangelo, M Staffa, S Varrasi, D Conti, A Di Nuovo
IEEE RO-MAN The 27th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2018
The Role of Personality Factors and Empathy in the Acceptance and Performance of a Social Robot for Psychometric Evaluations
S Rossi, D Conti, F Garramone, G Santangelo, M Staffa, S Varrasi, ...
Robotics 9 (2), 39, 2020
A cross-cultural study of acceptance and use of robotics by future psychology practitioners
D Conti, A Cattani, S Di Nuovo, A Di Nuovo
2015 24th IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive …, 2015
Personality factors and acceptability of socially assistive robotics in teachers with and without specialized training for children with disability
D Conti, E Commodari, S Buono
Life Span and Disability 20 (2), 251-272, 2017
Are future psychologists willing to accept and use a humanoid robot in their practice? Italian and English students’ perspective
D Conti, A Cattani, S Di Nuovo, A Di Nuovo
Frontiers in Psychology 10 (2138), 2019
A comparison of kindergarten storytelling by human and humanoid robot with different social behavior
D Conti, A Di Nuovo, C Cirasa, S Di Nuovo
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 97-98, 2017
Relations between mood states and eating behavior during COVID-19 pandemic in a sample of Italian college students
C De Pasquale, F Sciacca, D Conti, ML Pistorio, Z Hichy, RL Cardullo, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12 (684195), 2021
Evaluation of a Robot-Assisted Therapy for Children with Autism and Intellectual Disability
D Conti, G Trubia, S Buono, S Di Nuovo, A Di Nuovo
In Giuliani M., Assaf T., Giannacchini M. (eds) TOWARDS AUTONOMOUS ROBOTIC …, 2018
Assessment of Cognitive skills via Human-robot Interaction and Cloud Computing
A Di Nuovo, S Varrasi, A Lucas, D Conti, J McNamara, A Soranzo
Journal of Bionic Engineering 16 (3), 526-539, 2019
Mental Imagery: rehabilitation through simulation
S Di Nuovo, V De La Cruz, D Conti, S Buono, A Di Nuovo
Life Span and Disability 17 (1), 89-118, 2014
A social robot for cognitive assessment
S Varrasi, S Di Nuovo, D Conti, A Di Nuovo
In proceedings of the companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International …, 2018
Usability Evaluation of a Robotic System for Cognitive Testing
A Di Nuovo, S Varrasi, D Conti, J Bamforth, A Lucas, A Soranzo, ...
In proceedings of the companion of the 2019 ACM/IEEE International …, 2019
Social robots as psychometric tools for cognitive assessment: a pilot test
S Varrasi, S Di Nuovo, D Conti, A Di Nuovo
HUMAN-FRIENDLY ROBOTICS. In Ficuciello F., Ruggiero F., Finzi A. (eds) 7, 99-112, 2019
An explorative study on robotics for supporting children with Autism Spectrum Disorder during clinical procedures
A Di Nuovo, K Sage, J Bamforth, D Conti, R Ibbotson, J Clegg, ...
In proceedings of the companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International …, 2020
Comparison of the CBA-H and SF-36 for the screening of the psychological and behavioural variables in chronic dialysis patients.
C De Pasquale, D Conti, ML Pistorio, P Fatuzzo, M Veroux, S Di Nuovo
Plos One 12 (6), 2017
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Articles 1–20