Peter Schmidt
Peter Schmidt
Emeritus Professor für empirische Sozialforschung and Member of centre for international development
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Choice of travel mode in the theory of planned behavior: The roles of past behavior, habit, and reasoned action
S Bamberg, I Ajzen, P Schmidt
Basic and applied social psychology 25 (3), 175-187, 2003
Incentives, morality, or habit? Predicting students’ car use for university routes with the models of Ajzen, Schwartz, and Triandis
S Bamberg, P Schmidt
Environment and behavior 35 (2), 264-285, 2003
Using the theory of planned behavior to identify key beliefs underlying pro-environmental behavior in high-school students: Implications for educational interventions
A De Leeuw, P Valois, I Ajzen, P Schmidt
Journal of environmental psychology 42, 128-138, 2015
Bringing values back in: The adequacy of the European Social Survey to measure values in 20 countries
E Davidov, P Schmidt, SH Schwartz
Public opinion quarterly 72 (3), 420-445, 2008
The theory of planned behavior: Selected recent advances and applications
M Bosnjak, I Ajzen, P Schmidt
Europe's journal of psychology 16 (3), 352, 2020
Measurement equivalence in cross-national research
E Davidov, B Meuleman, J Cieciuch, P Schmidt, J Billiet
Annual review of sociology 40 (1), 55-75, 2014
How effective are behavior change interventions based on the theory of planned behavior?
H Steinmetz, M Knappstein, I Ajzen, P Schmidt, R Kabst
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2016
National identity in a united Germany: Nationalism or patriotism? An empirical test with representative data
T Blank, P Schmidt
Political psychology 24 (2), 289-312, 2003
Population size, perceived threat, and exclusion: A multiple-indicators analysis of attitudes toward foreigners in Germany
M Semyonov, R Raijman, AY Tov, P Schmidt
Social Science Research 33 (4), 681-701, 2004
Testing measurement invariance using multigroup CFA: Differences between educational groups in human values measurement
H Steinmetz, P Schmidt, A Tina-Booh, S Wieczorek, SH Schwartz
Quality & Quantity 43, 599-616, 2009
Compliance with IFRS 3-and IAS 36-required disclosures across 17 European countries: company-and country-level determinants
M Glaum, P Schmidt, DL Street, S Vogel
Accounting and business research 43 (3), 163-204, 2013
Values and support for immigration: A cross-country comparison
E Davidov, B Meuleman, J Billiet, P Schmidt
European sociological review 24 (5), 583-599, 2008
The syndrome of group‐focused enmity: The interrelation of prejudices tested with multiple cross‐sectional and panel data
A Zick, C Wolf, B Küpper, E Davidov, P Schmidt, W Heitmeyer
Journal of Social issues 64 (2), 363-383, 2008
Measurement invariance
R Van De Schoot, P Schmidt, A De Beuckelaer, K Lek, ...
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1064, 2015
An SEM approach to continuous time modeling of panel data: relating authoritarianism and anomia.
MC Voelkle, JHL Oud, E Davidov, P Schmidt
Psychological methods 17 (2), 176, 2012
Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to Adolescents’ Condom Use: A Panel Study1
J Reinecke, P Schmidt, I Ajzen
Journal of applied social psychology 26 (9), 749-772, 1996
Cross-cultural analysis
B Meuleman
Routledge Academic, 2012
Changing behavior using the theory of planned behavior
I Ajzen, P Schmidt
The handbook of behavior change, 17-31, 2020
Die Messung von Werten mit dem “Portraits Value Questionnaire”
P Schmidt, S Bamberg, E Davidov, J Herrmann, SH Schwartz
Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie 38 (4), 261-275, 2007
Einführung in die Mehrvariablenanalyse: Grundlagen der Formulierung und Prüfung komplexer sozialwissenschaftlicher Aussagen
KD Opp, P Schmidt
(No Title), 1976
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Articles 1–20