Linda Elkins-Tanton
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Cited by
Fractional crystallization and mantle-melting controls on calc-alkaline differentiation trends
TL Grove, LT Elkins-Tanton, SW Parman, N Chatterjee, O Müntener, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 145, 515-533, 2003
Thermal and magmatic evolution of the Moon
CK Shearer, PC Hess, MA Wieczorek, ME Pritchard, EM Parmentier, ...
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 60 (1), 365-518, 2006
Magma oceans in the inner solar system
LT Elkins-Tanton
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 40 (1), 113-139, 2012
Linked magma ocean solidification and atmospheric growth for Earth and Mars
LT Elkins-Tanton
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 271 (1-4), 181-191, 2008
The lunar magma ocean: Reconciling the solidification process with lunar petrology and geochronology
LT Elkins-Tanton, S Burgess, QZ Yin
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 304 (3-4), 326-336, 2011
Ternary feldspar experiments and thermodynamic models
LT Elkins, TL Grove
American Mineralogist 75 (5-6), 544-559, 1990
Recent hotspot volcanism on Venus from VIRTIS emissivity data
SE Smrekar, ER Stofan, N Mueller, A Treiman, L Elkins-Tanton, J Helbert, ...
Science 328 (5978), 605-608, 2010
Chondrites as samples of differentiated planetesimals
LT Elkins-Tanton, BP Weiss, MT Zuber
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 305 (1-2), 1-10, 2011
Magma ocean fractional crystallization and cumulate overturn in terrestrial planets: Implications for Mars
LT ELKINS‐TANTON, EM Parmentier, PC Hess
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 38 (12), 1753-1771, 2003
Continental magmatism caused by lithospheric delamination
LT Elkins-Tanton, GR Foulger
Special Papers-Geological Society of America 388, 449, 2005
Ocean planet or thick atmosphere: On the mass-radius relationship for solid exoplanets with massive atmospheres
ER Adams, S Seager, L Elkins-Tanton
The Astrophysical Journal 673 (2), 1160, 2008
Widespread mixing and burial of Earth’s Hadean crust by asteroid impacts
S Marchi, WF Bottke, LT Elkins-Tanton, M Bierhaus, K Wuennemann, ...
Nature 511 (7511), 578-582, 2014
Stochastic late accretion to Earth, the Moon, and Mars
WF Bottke, RJ Walker, JMD Day, D Nesvorny, L Elkins-Tanton
science 330 (6010), 1527-1530, 2010
Continental magmatism, volatile recycling, and a heterogeneous mantle caused by lithospheric gravitational instabilities
LT Elkins‐Tanton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B3), 2007
The timeline of the lunar bombardment: Revisited
A Morbidelli, D Nesvorny, V Laurenz, S Marchi, DC Rubie, ...
Icarus 305, 262-276, 2018
Ranges of atmospheric mass and composition of super-Earth exoplanets
LT Elkins-Tanton, S Seager
The Astrophysical Journal 685 (2), 1237, 2008
Possible formation of ancient crust on Mars through magma ocean processes
LT Elkins‐Tanton, PC Hess, EM Parmentier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 110 (E12), 2005
Effect of solid flow above a subducting slab on water distribution and melting at convergent plate boundaries
AM Cagnioncle, EM Parmentier, LT Elkins‐Tanton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B9), 2007
Re-examination of the lunar magma ocean cumulate overturn hypothesis: melting or mixing is required
LTE Tanton, JA Van Orman, BH Hager, TL Grove
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 196 (3-4), 239-249, 2002
The lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary and cratonic lithospheric layering beneath Australia from Sp wave imaging
HA Ford, KM Fischer, DL Abt, CA Rychert, LT Elkins-Tanton
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 300 (3-4), 299-310, 2010
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Articles 1–20