Anna Vallgårda
Anna Vallgårda
Professor of Design Research, IT University of Copenhagen
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Computational composites
A Vallgårda, J Redström
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2007
Embodied design ideation methods: Analysing the power of estrangement
D Wilde, A Vallgårda, O Tomico
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Giving form to computational things: developing a practice of interaction design
A Vallgårda
Personal and ubiquitous computing 18, 577-592, 2014
Becoming materials: material forms and forms of practice
J Bergström, B Clark, A Frigo, R Mazé, J Redström, A Vallgårda
Digital Creativity 21 (3), 155-172, 2010
Interaction design as a bricolage practice
A Vallgårda, Y Fernaeus
Proceedings of the ninth international conference on tangible, embedded, and …, 2015
A material strategy: Exploring material properties of computers
A Vallgårda, T Sokoler
Temporal form in interaction design
A Vallgårda, MT Winther, N Mørch, EE Vizer
International Journal of Design 9 (3), 1-15, 2015
Removal as a method: A fourth wave HCI approach to understanding the experience of self-tracking
S Homewood, A Karlsson, A Vallgårda
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM designing interactive systems conference, 1779-1791, 2020
Materiality matters---experience materials
M Wiberg, H Ishii, P Dourish, A Vallgårda, T Kerridge, P Sundström, ...
interactions 20 (2), 54-57, 2013
Time, temporality, and slowness: Future directions for design research
W Odom, S Lindley, L Pschetz, V Tsaknaki, A Vallgårda, M Wiberg, D Yoo
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing …, 2018
Designers in white coats: deploying ovum, a fertility tracking device
S Homewood, L Boer, A Vallgårda
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
Putting phenomenological theories to work in the design of self-tracking technologies
S Homewood, A Vallgårda
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 1833-1846, 2020
" Material interactions" from atoms & bits to entangled practices
M Wiberg, H Ishii, P Dourish, D Rosner, A Vallgårda, P Sundström, ...
CHI'12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1147-1150, 2012
Gut-tracking as cultivation
L Boer, H Bewley, T Jenkins, S Homewood, T Almeida, A Vallgårda
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 561-574, 2020
FeltRadio: Sensing and making sense of wireless traffic
E Grönvall, J Fritsch, A Vallgårda
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM conference on designing interactive systems, 829-840, 2016
Un-crafting: Exploring tangible practices for deconstruction in interactive system design
M Murer, A Vallgårda, M Jacobsson, M Tscheligi
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and …, 2015
Computational Composites: Understanding the Materiality of Computational Technology
AKA Vallgårda
IT-Universitetet i KøbenhavnIT University of Copenhagen …, 2009
Understanding the complexity of designing dynamic textile patterns
L Nilsson, M Satomi, A Vallgårda, L Worbin
Ambience'11, where art, technology and design meet, Borås Sweden, 28-30 …, 2011
A material focus: exploring properties of computational composites
A Vallgårda, T Sokoler
CHI'09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4147-4152, 2009
Smart home in your pocket
L Barkhuus, A Vallgårda
Adjunct Proceedings of UbiComp, 165-166, 2003
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Articles 1–20