Software architecture: perspectives on an emerging discipline M Shaw, D Garlan Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1996 | 6173 | 1996 |
Documenting software architectures: views and beyond P Clements, D Garlan, R Little, R Nord, J Stafford 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2003. Proceedings …, 2003 | 2968 | 2003 |
An introduction to software architecture D Garlan, M Shaw Advances in software engineering and knowledge engineering, 1-39, 1993 | 2634 | 1993 |
A formal basis for architectural connection R Allen, D Garlan ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 6 (3), 213-249, 1997 | 2024 | 1997 |
Rainbow: Architecture-based self-adaptation with reusable infrastructure D Garlan, SW Cheng, AC Huang, B Schmerl, P Steenkiste Computer 37 (10), 46-54, 2004 | 1865 | 2004 |
Project aura: Toward distraction-free pervasive computing D Garlan, DP Siewiorek, A Smailagic, P Steenkiste IEEE Pervasive computing 1 (2), 22-31, 2002 | 1387 | 2002 |
Acme: An architecture description interchange language D Garlan, R Monroe, D Wile CASCON First Decade High Impact Papers, 159-173, 2010 | 1327 | 2010 |
A formal approach to software architecture RJ Allen Carnegie Mellon University, 1997 | 1182 | 1997 |
Acme: Architectural description of component-based systems D Garlan, R Monroe, D Wile Carnegie Mellon University, 2000 | 970 | 2000 |
Architectural mismatch or why it's hard to build systems out of existing parts D Garlan, R Allen, J Ockerbloom Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Software engineering …, 1995 | 861 | 1995 |
Aura: an architectural framework for user mobility in ubiquitous computing environments JP Sousa, D Garlan Software Architecture: System Design, Development and Maintenance, 29-43, 2002 | 828 | 2002 |
Context is key J Coutaz, JL Crowley, S Dobson, D Garlan Communications of the ACM 48 (3), 49-53, 2005 | 804 | 2005 |
Architectural mismatch: Why reuse is so hard D Garlan, R Allen, J Ockerbloom IEEE software 12 (6), 17-26, 1995 | 801 | 1995 |
Formalizing architectural connection R Allen, D Garlan Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, 71-80, 1994 | 739 | 1994 |
Software architecture: a roadmap D Garlan Proceedings of the Conference on the Future of Software Engineering, 91-101, 2000 | 729 | 2000 |
Introduction to the special issue on software architecture D Garlan, DE Perry IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21 (4), 269-274, 1995 | 664 | 1995 |
Specifying and analyzing dynamic software architectures R Allen, R Douence, D Garlan Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: First International …, 1998 | 633 | 1998 |
Exploiting style in architectural design environments D Garlan, R Allen, J Ockerbloom ACM SIGSOFT software engineering notes 19 (5), 175-188, 1994 | 625 | 1994 |
Model-based adaptation for self-healing systems D Garlan, B Schmerl Proceedings of the first workshop on Self-healing systems, 27-32, 2002 | 463 | 2002 |
Formalizing style to understand descriptions of software architecture GD Abowd, R Allen, D Garlan ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 4 (4), 319-364, 1995 | 426 | 1995 |