Eusun Han
Eusun Han
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Aarhus University
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RootPainter: deep learning segmentation of biological images with corrective annotation
AG Smith, E Han, J Petersen, NAF Olsen, C Giese, M Athmann, ...
New Phytologist 236 (2), 774-791, 2022
Root growth dynamics inside and outside of soil biopores as affected by crop sequence determined with the profile wall method
E Han, T Kautz, U Perkons, D Uteau, S Peth, N Huang, R Horn, U Köpke
Biology and Fertility of Soils 51, 847-856, 2015
Quantification of soil biopore density after perennial fodder cropping
E Han, T Kautz, U Perkons, M Lüsebrink, R Pude, U Köpke
Plant and Soil 394, 73-85, 2015
Precrop root system determines root diameter of subsequent crop
E Han, T Kautz, U Köpke
Biology and Fertility of Soils 52, 113-118, 2016
The chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm correlates with loss of grain yield after severe drought in three wheat genotypes grown at two CO2 concentrations
SG Sommer, E Han, X Li, E Rosenqvist, F Liu
Plants 12 (3), 436, 2023
Optimising cropping techniques for nutrient and environmental management in organic agriculture
U Kopke, M Athmann, E Han, T Kautz
Sustainable Agriculture Research 4 (3), 2015
Digging roots is easier with AI
E Han, AG Smith, R Kemper, R White, JA Kirkegaard, ...
Journal of experimental botany 72 (13), 4680-4690, 2021
Prospects for summer cover crops in southern Australian semi-arid cropping systems
TJ Rose, S Parvin, E Han, J Condon, BM Flohr, C Schefe, MT Rose, ...
Agricultural Systems 200, 103415, 2022
Biopore-induced deep root traits of two winter crops
N Huang, M Athmann, E Han
Agriculture 10 (12), 634, 2020
Dynamics of plant nutrient uptake as affected by biopore-associated root growth in arable subsoil
E Han, T Kautz, N Huang, U Köpke
Plant and Soil 415, 145-160, 2017
Can precrops uplift subsoil nutrients to topsoil?
E Han, F Li, U Perkons, PM Küpper, SL Bauke, M Athmann, ...
Plant and Soil 463, 329-345, 2021
Deep learning with multisite data reveals the lasting effects of soil type, tillage and vegetation history on biopore genesis
E Han, JA Kirkegaard, R White, AG Smith, K Thorup-Kristensen, T Kautz, ...
Geoderma 425, 2022
The enhancing effect of intercropping sugar beet with chicory on the deep root growth and nutrient uptake
W Czaban, E Han, OS Lund, MS Stokholm, SM Jensen, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 347, 108360, 2023
Core-labelling technique (CLT): a novel combination of the ingrowth-core method and tracer technique for deep root study
E Han, DB Dresbøll, K Thorup-Kristensen
Plant Methods 16, 1-13, 2020
Exploitation of neighbouring subsoil for nutrient acquisition under annual-perennial strip intercropping systems
E Han, W Czaban, DB Dresbøll, K Thorup-Kristensen
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 338, 2022
Tracing deep P uptake potential in arable subsoil using radioactive ³³P isotope
E Han, DB Dresbøll, K Thorup-Kristensen
Plant and Soil 472, 91-104, 2021
Effects of Biodynamic Prepara on 500 (P500) Cow Horn Manure on Early Growth of Barley, Pea, Quinoa, and Tomato under Saline Stress Condi ons
E Han, C Whitney, W Niether, W Nelson, T Baars
Usefulness of techniques to measure and model crop growth and yield at different spatial scales
D He, E Wang, J Kirkegaard, E Han, B Malone, T Swan, S Brown, ...
Field Crops Research 309, 109332, 2024
Temporary growth cessation of wheat roots following defoliation
E Han, JA Kirkegaard, K Thorup-Kristensen
Plant and Soil 502, 315-331, 2024
The effect of Intercropping on the Deep Root Development and Nutrient Uptake in a Sugar Beet–Chicory Mixture.
W Czaban, C Clement, E Han, DB Dresbøll, K Thorup-Kristensen
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Articles 1–20