Chris Buckley
Chris Buckley
Professor Pollution Research Group University of KwaZulu-Natal
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Wastewater irrigation and health: assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries
P Drechsel
IWMI, 2010
Membrane technology for the treatment of dyehouse effluents
CA Buckley
Water Science and Technology 25 (10), 203, 1992
The effect of salts used in textile dyeing on microbial decolourisation of a reactive azo dye
CM Carliell, SJ Barclay, C Shaw, AD Wheatley, CA Buckley
Environmental technology 19 (11), 1133-1137, 1998
LC-MS/MS determination of antiretroviral drugs in influents and effluents from wastewater treatment plants in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
OA Abafe, J Späth, J Fick, S Jansson, C Buckley, A Stark, B Pietruschka, ...
Chemosphere 200, 660-670, 2018
Carbon footprint analysis for increasing water supply and sanitation in South Africa: a case study
E Friedrich, S Pillay, CA Buckley
Journal of Cleaner Production 17 (1), 1-12, 2009
The anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR): an appropriate technology for on-site sanitation
KM Foxon, S Pillay, T Lalbahadur, N Rodda, F Holder, CA Buckley
water sa 30 (5), 44-50, 2004
To what extent can portable fluorescence spectroscopy be used in the real-time assessment of microbial water quality?
A Baker, S Cumberland, C Bradley, C Buckley, J Bridgeman
Science of the Total Environment 532, 14-19, 2015
Anaerobic decolorisation of reactive dyes in conventional sewage treatment processes
E Senio, CM Carliel, SJ Barclay, N Naidoo, CA Buckley, DA Mulholland
Water Sa 20 (4), 341-344, 1994
A graphical technique for wastewater minimisation in batch processes
T Majozi, T Majozi
Batch Chemical Process Integration: Analysis, Synthesis and Optimization …, 2010
Treatment and decolorization of dyes in an anaerobic baffled reactor
J Bell, JJ Plumb, CA Buckley, DC Stuckey
Journal of Environmental Engineering 126 (11), 1026-1032, 2000
Technologies for the treatment of source-separated urine in the eThekwini Municipality
KM Udert, CA Buckley, M Wächter, CS McArdell, T Kohn, L Strande, ...
Water Sa 41 (2), 212-221, 2015
Membrane distillation of concentrated brines—Role of water activities in the evaluation of driving force
L Mariah, CA Buckley, CJ Brouckaert, E Curcio, E Drioli, D Jaganyi, ...
Journal of membrane science 280 (1-2), 937-947, 2006
Treatment of a textile dye in the anaerobic baffled reactor
J Bell, CA Buckley
Water Sa 29 (2), 129-134, 2003
The reuse of reactive dye liquors using charged ultrafiltration membrane technology
A Erswell, CJ Brouckaert, CA Buckley
Desalination 70 (1-3), 157-167, 1988
Pilot-scale study of an anaerobic baffled reactor for the treatment of domestic wastewater
P Dama, J Bell, KM Foxon, CJ Brouckaert, T Huang, CA Buckley, ...
Water science and technology 46 (9), 263-270, 2002
Reverse osmosis treatment and reuse of textile dyehouse effluents
K Treffry-Goatley, CA Buckley, GR Groves
Desalination 47 (1-3), 313-320, 1983
The use of LCA in the water industry and the case for an environmental performance indicator
E Friedrich, S Pillay, CA Buckley
Water Sa 33 (4), 2007
User perceptions of urine diversion dehydration toilets: Experiences from a cross-sectional study in eThekwini Municipality
E Roma, K Philp, C Buckley, D Scott, S Xulu
Water Sa 39 (2), 305-312, 2013
Improving the performance of anaerobic digesters at wastewater treatment works: The coupled cross-flow microfiltration/digester process
VL Pillay, B Townsend, CA Buckley
Water science and technology 30 (12), 329, 1994
Environmental life cycle assessments for water treatment processes–A South African case study of an urban water cycle
E Friedrich, S Pillay, CA Buckley
Water Sa 35 (1), 2009
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Articles 1–20