Brandon L. Alderman, PhD
Brandon L. Alderman, PhD
Associate Professor and Department Chair, Department of Kinesiology and Health, Rutgers University
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Parental social support and the physical activity-related behaviors of youth: a review
MW Beets, BJ Cardinal, BL Alderman
Health education & behavior 37 (5), 621-644, 2010
Microbes and mental health: A review
R Rieder, PJ Wisniewski, BL Alderman, SC Campbell
Brain, behavior, and immunity 66, 9-17, 2017
A meta-analysis of periodized versus nonperiodized strength and power training programs
MR Rhea, BL Alderman
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 75 (4), 413-422, 2004
Factors related to rapid weight loss practices among international-style wrestlers
BL Alderman, DM Landers, J Carlson, JR Scott
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 36 (2), 249-252, 2004
Enhancing motivation in physical education
BL Alderman, A Beighle, RP Pangrazi
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 77 (2), 41-51, 2006
MAP training: combining meditation and aerobic exercise reduces depression and rumination while enhancing synchronized brain activity
BL Alderman, RL Olson, CJ Brush, TJ Shors
Translational psychiatry 6 (2), e726-e726, 2016
Change in parental influence on children’s physical activity over time
BL Alderman, TB Benham-Deal, JM Jenkins
Journal of physical activity and health 7 (1), 60-67, 2010
Acute exercise has a general facilitative effect on cognitive function: A combined ERP temporal dynamics and BDNF study
YK Chang, BL Alderman, CH Chu, CC Wang, TF Song, FT Chen
Psychophysiology 54 (2), 289-300, 2017
Cognitive function during low-intensity walking: A test of the treadmill workstation
BL Alderman, RL Olson, DM Mattina
Journal of physical activity and health 11 (4), 752-758, 2014
A randomized trial of aerobic exercise on cognitive control in major depression
RL Olson, CJ Brush, PJ Ehmann, BL Alderman
Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (6), 903-913, 2017
Concussion symptom underreporting among incoming national collegiate athletic association division I college athletes
FN Conway, M Domingues, R Monaco, LM Lesnewich, AE Ray, ...
Clinical journal of sport medicine 30 (3), 203-209, 2020
Using multilevel modeling to examine blunted neural responses to reward in major depression
CJ Brush, PJ Ehmann, G Hajcak, EA Selby, BL Alderman
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 3 (12), 1032-1039, 2018
Aerobic exercise intensity and time of stressor administration influence cardiovascular responses to psychological stress
BL Alderman, SM Arent, DM Landers, TJ Rogers
Psychophysiology 44 (5), 759-766, 2007
Neurophysiological and behavioral correlates of cognitive control during low and moderate intensity exercise
RL Olson, YK Chang, CJ Brush, AN Kwok, VX Gordon, BL Alderman
NeuroImage 131, 171-180, 2016
Mental and Physical (MAP) Training: a neurogenesis-inspired intervention that enhances health in humans
TJ Shors, RL Olson, ME Bates, EA Selby, BL Alderman
Neurobiology of learning and memory 115, 3-9, 2014
Physical education’s contribution to daily physical activity among middle school youth
BL Alderman, T Benham-Deal, A Beighle, HE Erwin, RL Olson
Pediatric exercise science 24 (4), 634-648, 2012
The relation of aerobic fitness to cognitive control and heart rate variability: A neurovisceral integration study
BL Alderman, RL Olson
Biological psychology 99, 26-33, 2014
Effects of acute aerobic exercise on motor response inhibition: An ERP study using the stop-signal task
CH Chu, BL Alderman, GX Wei, YK Chang
Journal of Sport and Health Science 4 (1), 73-81, 2015
Rumination in major depressive disorder is associated with impaired neural activation during conflict monitoring
BL Alderman, RL Olson, ME Bates, EA Selby, JF Buckman, CJ Brush, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 269, 2015
Dose–response and time course effects of acute resistance exercise on executive function
CJ Brush, RL Olson, PJ Ehmann, S Osovsky, BL Alderman
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 38 (4), 396-408, 2016
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