Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Associate professor, FAOS/Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
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Citeret af
Trade union revitalisation: Where are we now? Where to next?
CL Ibsen, M Tapia
Journal of Industrial Relations 59 (2), 170-191, 2017
Mapping the frontier of theory in industrial relations: the contested role of worker representation
M Tapia, CL Ibsen, TA Kochan
Socio-Economic Review 13 (1), 157-184, 2015
Nordic labour market models in open markets
SK Andersen, JE Dølvik, CL Ibsen
ETUI, 2014
Challenging Scandinavian employment relations: the effects of new public management reforms
CL Ibsen, TP Larsen, JS Madsen, J Due
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (11), 2295-2310, 2011
Diverging solidarity: Labor strategies in the new knowledge economy
CL Ibsen, K Thelen
World Politics 69 (3), 409-447, 2017
Attacks on union organizing: Reversible and irreversible changes to the Ghent-systems in Sweden and Denmark
A Kjellberg, C Lyhne Ibsen
Den Danske Model set udefra (The Danish Model Inside Out), 279-302, 2016
Three dimensions of institutional contention: efficiency, equality and governance in Danish vocational education and training reform
MB Carstensen, CL Ibsen
Socio-Economic Review, 2019
Organised decentralisation of collective bargaining: Case studies of Germany, Netherlands and Denmark
CL Ibsen, M Keune
OECD, 2018
De nordiske aftalemodeller i åbne markeder–udfordringer og perspektiver
SK Andersen, JE Dølvik, CL Ibsen
Fafo, NordMod 2030, 2014
The role of mediation institutions in Sweden and Denmark after centralized bargaining
CL Ibsen
British Journal of Industrial Relations 54 (2), 285-310, 2016
Adapting to survive: The case of Danish employers' organisations
CL Ibsen, S Navrbjerg
Human Resource Management Journal, 2018
Three approaches to coordinated bargaining: A case for power-based explanations
CL Ibsen
European Journal of Industrial Relations 21 (1), 39-56, 2015
The manufacturing sector: Still an anchor for pattern bargaining within and across countries?
T Müller, JE Dølvik, C Ibsen, T Schulten
European Journal of Industrial Relations 24 (4), 357-372, 2018
Social customs and trade union membership: A multi-level analysis of workplace union density using micro-data
CL Ibsen, J Toubøl, DS Jensen
European Sociological Review 33 (4), 504-517, 2017
Skills for the Future? A Life Cycle Perspective on Systems of Vocational Education and Training
A Chuan, CL Ibsen
ILR Review, 00197939211015205, 2021
Quiet politics and the power of business: New perspectives in an era of noisy politics
G Morgan, CL Ibsen
Politics & society 49 (1), 3-16, 2021
Changes in wage policy and collective bargaining in the Nordic countries–comparison of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
SK Andersen, CL Ibsen, K Alsos, K Nergaard, P Sauramo
Wage bargaining under the new European Economic Governance, 139, 2015
Strained compromises? Danish flexicurity during crisis
CL Ibsen
Old site of Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies 1 (1), 45-65, 2011
Ideas and power in employment relations studies
MB Carstensen, CL Ibsen, VA Schmidt
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 61 (1), 3-21, 2022
Importing low-density ideas to high-density revitalisation: The ‘organising model’in Denmark
J Arnholtz, CL Ibsen, F Ibsen
Economic and Industrial Democracy 37 (2), 297-317, 2016
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