T.J. Wong
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Cited by
Earnings management and the long‐run market performance of initial public offerings
SH Teoh, I Welch, TJ Wong
The journal of finance 53 (6), 1935-1974, 1998
Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms
JPH Fan, TJ Wong, T Zhang
Journal of financial economics 84 (2), 330-357, 2007
Earnings management and the underperformance of seasoned equity offerings
SH Teoh, I Welch, TJ Wong
Journal of Financial economics 50 (1), 63-99, 1998
Corporate ownership structure and the informativeness of accounting earnings in East Asia
JPH Fan, TJ Wong
Journal of accounting and economics 33 (3), 401-425, 2002
Perceived auditor quality and the earnings response coefficient
SH Teoh, TJ Wong
Accounting review, 346-366, 1993
Do external auditors perform a corporate governance role in emerging markets? Evidence from East Asia
JPH Fan, TJ Wong
Journal of accounting research 43 (1), 35-72, 2005
State ownership, the institutional environment, and auditor choice: Evidence from China
Q Wang, TJ Wong, L Xia
Journal of accounting and economics 46 (1), 112-134, 2008
Are accruals during initial public offerings opportunistic?
SH Teoh, TJ Wong, GR Rao
Review of accounting studies 3, 175-208, 1998
Propping through related party transactions
M Jian, TJ Wong
Review of Accounting Studies 15, 70-105, 2010
Financial packaging of IPO firms in China
J Aharony, CWJ Lee, TJ Wong
Journal of Accounting Research 38 (1), 103-126, 2000
The impact of improved auditor independence on audit market concentration in China
ML DeFond, TJ Wong, S Li
Journal of accounting and economics 28 (3), 269-305, 1999
Political incentives to suppress negative information: Evidence from Chinese listed firms
JD Piotroski, TJ Wong, T Zhang
Journal of Accounting Research 53 (2), 405-459, 2015
Auditor industry specialization and market segmentation: Evidence from Hong Kong
ML DeFond, JR Francis, TJ Wong
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 19 (1), 49-66, 2000
Auditors' governance functions and legal environments: An international investigation
JH Choi, TJ Wong
Contemporary accounting research 24 (1), 13-46, 2007
Earnings management and tunneling through related party transactions: Evidence from Chinese corporate groups
M Jian
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong), 2003
Institutions and organizational structure: The case of state-owned corporate pyramids
JPH Fan, TJ Wong, T Zhang
The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 29 (6), 1217-1252, 2013
Institutions and information environment of Chinese listed firms
JD Piotroski, TJ Wong
Capitalizing China 2, 201-242, 2012
Why new issues and high-accrual firms underperform: The role of analysts’ credulity
SH Teoh, TJ Wong
The Review of Financial Studies 15 (3), 869-900, 2002
Challenges for implementation of fair value accounting in emerging markets: Evidence from China
X He, TJ Wong, D Young
Contemporary Accounting Research 29 (2), 538-562, 2012
Political considerations in the decision of Chinese SOEs to list in Hong Kong
M Hung, TJ Wong, T Zhang
Journal of Accounting and Economics 53 (1-2), 435-449, 2012
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