Ken Schoutens
Ken Schoutens
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Cited by
Marshes and mangroves as nature-based coastal storm buffers
S Temmerman, EM Horstman, KW Krauss, JC Mullarney, I Pelckmans, ...
Annual Review of Marine Science 15, 95-118, 2023
Coping with waves: Plasticity in tidal marsh plants as self‐adapting coastal ecosystem engineers
A Silinski, K Schoutens, S Puijalon, J Schoelynck, D Luyckx, P Troch, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 63 (2), 799-815, 2018
How effective are tidal marshes as nature‐based shoreline protection throughout seasons?
K Schoutens, M Heuner, V Minden, T Schulte Ostermann, A Silinski, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 64 (4), 1750-1762, 2019
Nature-based shoreline protection by tidal marsh plants depends on trade-offs between avoidance and attenuation of hydrodynamic forces
K Schoutens, M Heuner, E Fuchs, V Minden, T Schulte-Ostermann, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 236, 106645, 2020
Soil iron content as a predictor of carbon and nutrient mobilization in rewetted fens
WJ Emsens, CJS Aggenbach, K Schoutens, AJP Smolders, D Zak, ...
PloS one 11 (4), e0153166, 2016
Opposing effects of aquatic vegetation on hydraulic functioning and transport of dissolved and organic particulate matter in a lowland river: a field experiment
V Verschoren, J Schoelynck, T Cox, K Schoutens, S Temmerman, P Meire
Ecological Engineering 105, 221-230, 2017
Survival of the thickest? Impacts of extreme wave‐forcing on marsh seedlings are mediated by species morphology
K Schoutens, S Reents, S Nolte, B Evans, M Paul, M Kudella, T Bouma, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 66 (7), 2936-2951, 2021
Hydrodynamics affect plant traits in estuarine ecotones with impact on carbon sequestration potentials
TS Ostermann, M Kleyer, M Heuner, E Fuchs, S Temmerman, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 259, 107464, 2021
Stability of a tidal marsh under very high flow velocities and implications for nature-based flood defense
K Schoutens, M Stoorvogel, M van den Berg, K van den Hoven, TJ Bouma, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 920480, 2022
Unraveling plant strategies in tidal marshes by investigating plant traits and environmental conditions
T Schulte Ostermann, M Heuner, E Fuchs, S Temmerman, K Schoutens, ...
Journal of vegetation science 32 (3), e13038, 2021
Species-specific and seasonal differences in the resistance of salt-marsh vegetation to wave impact
S Reents, I Möller, BR Evans, K Schoutens, K Jensen, M Paul, TJ Bouma, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 898080, 2022
Traits of tidal marsh plants determine survival and growth response to hydrodynamic forcing: implications for nature-based shoreline protection
K Schoutens, P Luys, M Heuner, E Fuchs, V Minden, TS Ostermann, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 693, 107-124, 2022
Identifying Key Plant Traits and Ecosystem Properties Affecting Wave Attenuation and the Soil Organic Carbon Content in Tidal Marshes
T Schulte Ostermann, M Heuner, E Fuchs, S Temmerman, K Schoutens, ...
Estuaries and Coasts, 1-18, 2023
Plant trait-mediated drag forces on seedlings of four tidal marsh pioneer species
CS Steinigeweg, S Löbel, B Schröder, K Schoutens, S Reents, BR Evans, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1172492, 2023
Response of ecologically-mediated shallow intertidal shore transitions to extreme hydrodynamic forcing (RESIST)
I Möller, TJ Bouma, M Brendel, H Brooks, H Cao, S Carr, C Chirol, ...
In-situ tidal marsh erodibility under high flow velocities
M van den Berg, M Stoorvogel, K Schoutens, K van den Hoven, ...
EGU23, 2023
Wetlands for dry land: role of bio-physical interactions in tidal marshes for nature-based shoreline protection
K Schoutens
University of Antwerp, 2022
Erodibility of salt marsh sediments under storm-surge conditions.
B Evans, I Möller, T Bouma, H Brooks, S Carr, H Cao, C Chirol, E Christie, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Seasonal variations of the nature-based shoreline protection value of tidal marshes.
K Schoutens, M Heuner, V Minden, TS Ostermann, A Silinski, JP Belliard, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Die Ufer der Tideelbe im Wechselspiel von Mensch und Umwelt: Vegetation, Boden und Ökosystemleistungen: Ergebnisse der BfG-Forschungsprojekte ElbService und tibass sowie …
F Beyer, E Fuchs, M Heuner, R Horn, R Marggraf, G Grenzdörffer, ...
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Articles 1–20