Vidya Suseela
Vidya Suseela
Associate Professor, Plant & Environmental Sciences, Clemson University
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Effects of soil moisture on the temperature sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration vary seasonally in an old‐field climate change experiment
V Suseela, RT Conant, MD Wallenstein, JS Dukes
Global Change Biology 18 (1), 336-348, 2012
Temperature response of soil respiration largely unaltered with experimental warming
JC Carey, J Tang, PH Templer, KD Kroeger, TW Crowther, AJ Burton, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (48), 13797-13802, 2016
Unraveling Arbuscular Mycorrhiza-Induced Changes in Plant Primary and Secondary Metabolome
S Kaur, V Suseela
Metabolites 10 (8), 2020
Changes in the structural composition and reactivity of Acer rubrum leaf litter tannins exposed to warming and altered precipitation: climatic stress‐induced tannins …
N Tharayil, V Suseela, DJ Triebwasser, CM Preston, PD Gerard, ...
New phytologist 191 (1), 132-145, 2011
Can current moisture responses predict soil CO2 efflux under altered precipitation regimes? A synthesis of manipulation experiments
S Vicca, M Bahn, M Estiarte, EE Van Loon, R Vargas, G Alberti, P Ambus, ...
Biogeosciences 11 (11), 2991-3013, 2014
Decoupling the direct and indirect effects of climate on plant litter decomposition: Accounting for stress-induced modifications in plant chemistry
V Suseela, N Tharayil
Global change biology, 2018
The responses of soil and rhizosphere respiration to simulated climatic changes vary by season
V Suseela, JS Dukes
Ecology 94 (2), 403-413, 2013
Plant litter chemistry alters the content and composition of organic carbon associated with soil mineral and aggregate fractions in invaded ecosystems
M Tamura, V Suseela, M Simpson, B Powell, N Tharayil
Global Change Biology, 2017
Warming and drought reduce temperature sensitivity of nitrogen transformations
DSN Auyeung, V Suseela, JS Dukes
Global Change Biology 19 (2), 662-676, 2013
Cover crop functional types differentially alter the content and composition of soil organic carbon in particulate and mineral‐associated fractions
Z Zhang, JP Kaye, BA Bradley, JP Amsili, V Suseela
Global Change Biology 28 (19), 5831-5848, 2022
Labile compounds in plant litter reduce the sensitivity of decomposition to warming and altered precipitation
V Suseela, N Tharayil, B Xing, JS Dukes
New Phytologist 200 (1), 122-133, 2013
Warming and drought differentially influence the production and resorption of elemental and metabolic nitrogen pools in Quercus rubra
V Suseela, N Tharayil, B Xing, JS Dukes
Global Change Biology 21 (11), 4177-4195, 2015
Warming alters potential enzyme activity but precipitation regulates chemical transformations in grass litter exposed to simulated climatic changes
V Suseela, N Tharayil, B Xing, JS Dukes
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 75, 102-112, 2014
Plant–soil interactions regulate the identity of soil carbon in invaded ecosystems: implication for legacy effects
V Suseela, P Alpert, CH Nakatsu, A Armstrong, N Tharayil
Functional Ecology 30 (7), 1227-1238, 2016
Root metabolome of plant–arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis mirrors the mutualistic or parasitic mycorrhizal phenotype
S Kaur, B Campbell, V Suseela
New Phytologist, 2022
Coordination between compound-specific chemistry and morphology in plant roots aligns with ancestral mycorrhizal association in woody angiosperms
M Xia, OJ Valverde-Barrantes, V Suseela, CB Blackwood, N Tharayil
New Phytologist, 2021
Phenolic profile within the fine‐root branching orders of an evergreen species highlights a disconnect in root tissue quality predicted by elemental‐and molecular‐level carbon …
JJ Wang, N Tharayil, AT Chow, V Suseela, H Zeng
New Phytologist 206 (4), 1261-1273, 2015
Potential roles of plant biochemistry in mediating ecosystem responses to warming and drought
V Suseela
Ecosystem consequences of soil warming, 103-124, 2019
Chemical plasticity in the fine root construct of Quercus spp. varies with root order and drought
V Suseela, N Tharayil, G Orr, D Hu
New Phytologist, 2020
Effect of soil carbon amendments in reversing the legacy effect of plant invasion
Z Zhang, P Bhowmik, V Suseela
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2020
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Articles 1–20