Philip A. Starr
Philip A. Starr
Professor of Neurological Surgery, University of California, San Francisco
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Pallidal versus subthalamic deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease
KA Follett, FM Weaver, M Stern, K Hur, CL Harris, P Luo, WJ Marks Jr, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 362 (22), 2077-2091, 2010
Gene delivery of AAV2-neurturin for Parkinson's disease: a double-blind, randomised, controlled trial
WJ Marks, RT Bartus, J Siffert, CS Davis, A Lozano, N Boulis, J Vitek, ...
The Lancet Neurology 9 (12), 1164-1172, 2010
Safety and tolerability of intraputaminal delivery of CERE-120 (adeno-associated virus serotype 2–neurturin) to patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease: an open-label …
WJ Marks, JL Ostrem, L Verhagen, PA Starr, PS Larson, RAE Bakay, ...
The Lancet Neurology 7 (5), 400-408, 2008
Therapeutic deep brain stimulation reduces cortical phase-amplitude coupling in Parkinson's disease
C De Hemptinne, NC Swann, JL Ostrem, ES Ryapolova-Webb, ...
Nature neuroscience 18 (5), 779-786, 2015
Implantation of deep brain stimulators into subthalmic nucleus: technical approach and magnetic imaging—verified electrode locations
PA Starr, CW Christine, PV Theodosopoulos, N Lindsey, D Byrd, A Mosley, ...
Journal of neurosurgery 97 (2), 370-387, 2002
Exaggerated phase–amplitude coupling in the primary motor cortex in Parkinson disease
C De Hemptinne, ES Ryapolova-Webb, EL Air, PA Garcia, KJ Miller, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 110 (12), 4780-4785, 2013
Randomized trial of deep brain stimulation for Parkinson disease: thirty-six-month outcomes
FM Weaver, KA Follett, M Stern, P Luo, CL Harris, K Hur, WJ Marks Jr, ...
Neurology 79 (1), 55-65, 2012
Safety and tolerability of putaminal AADC gene therapy for Parkinson disease
CW Christine, PA Starr, PS Larson, JL Eberling, WJ Jagust, RA Hawkins, ...
Neurology 73 (20), 1662-1669, 2009
Results from a phase I safety trial of hAADC gene therapy for Parkinson disease
JL Eberling, WJ Jagust, CW Christine, P Starr, P Larson, KS Bankiewicz, ...
Neurology 70 (21), 1980-1983, 2008
Microelectrode-guided pallidotomy: technical approach and its application in medically intractable Parkinson's disease
JL Vitek, RAE Bakay, T Hashimoto, Y Kaneoke, K Mewes, JY Zhang, ...
Journal of neurosurgery 88 (6), 1027-1043, 1998
Adaptive deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease using motor cortex sensing
NC Swann, C De Hemptinne, MC Thompson, S Miocinovic, AM Miller, ...
Journal of neural engineering 15 (4), 046006, 2018
Comparison of MPTP-induced changes in spontaneous neuronal discharge in the internal pallidal segment and in the substantia nigra pars reticulata in primates
T Wichmann, H Bergman, PA Starr, T Subramanian, RL Watts, ...
Experimental brain research 125, 397-409, 1999
Closed-loop neuromodulation in an individual with treatment-resistant depression
KW Scangos, AN Khambhati, PM Daly, GS Makhoul, LP Sugrue, ...
Nature medicine 27 (10), 1696-1700, 2021
Long-term evaluation of a phase 1 study of AADC gene therapy for Parkinson's disease
G Mittermeyer, CW Christine, KH Rosenbluth, SL Baker, P Starr, P Larson, ...
Human gene therapy 23 (4), 377-381, 2012
Risk factors for hemorrhage during microelectrode-guided deep brain stimulator implantation for movement disorders
DK Binder, GM Rau, PA Starr
Neurosurgery 56 (4), 722-732, 2005
Porcine xenografts in Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease patients: preliminary results
JS Fink, JM Schumacher, SL Ellias, EP Palmer, M Saint-Hilaire, ...
Cell transplantation 9 (2), 273-278, 2000
Ablative surgery and deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease
PA Starr, JL Vitek, RAE Bakay
Neurosurgery 43 (5), 989-1013, 1998
Gamma oscillations in the hyperkinetic state detected with chronic human brain recordings in Parkinson's disease
NC Swann, C De Hemptinne, S Miocinovic, S Qasim, SS Wang, N Ziman, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (24), 6445-6458, 2016
Spontaneous pallidal neuronal activity in human dystonia: comparison with Parkinson’s disease and normal macaque
PA Starr, GM Rau, V Davis, WJ Marks Jr, JL Ostrem, D Simmons, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 93 (6), 3165-3176, 2005
Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulator placement using high-field interventional magnetic resonance imaging and a skull-mounted aiming device: technique and application accuracy
PA Starr, AJ Martin, JL Ostrem, P Talke, N Levesque, PS Larson
Journal of neurosurgery 112 (3), 479-490, 2010
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Articles 1–20