Vikas Sindhwani
Vikas Sindhwani
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Manifold regularization: A geometric framework for learning from labeled and unlabeled examples
M Belkin, P Niyogi, V Sindhwani
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 7, 2399-2434, 2006
Recommender systems.
P Melville, V Sindhwani
Encyclopedia of machine learning 1, 829-838, 2010
Low-rank matrix factorization for deep neural network training with high-dimensional output targets
TN Sainath, B Kingsbury, V Sindhwani, E Arisoy, B Ramabhadran
2013 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2013
Beyond the point cloud: from transductive to semi-supervised learning
V Sindhwani, P Niyogi, M Belkin
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Machine learning, 824-831, 2005
Optimization techniques for semi-supervised support vector machines
O Chapelle, V Sindhwani, SS Keerthi
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 9, 203-233, 2008
A co-regularization approach to semi-supervised learning with multiple views
V Sindhwani, P Niyogi, M Belkin
Workshop on Learning with Multiple Views at ICML 2005, 2005
Socratic models: Composing zero-shot multimodal reasoning with language
A Zeng, M Attarian, B Ichter, K Choromanski, A Wong, S Welker, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.00598, 2022
Transporter networks: Rearranging the visual world for robotic manipulation
A Zeng, P Florence, J Tompson, S Welker, J Chien, M Attarian, ...
Conference on Robot Learning, 726-747, 2021
SystemML: Declarative machine learning on MapReduce
A Ghoting, R Krishnamurthy, E Pednault, B Reinwald, V Sindhwani, ...
Data Engineering (ICDE), 2011 IEEE 27th International Conference on, 231-242, 2011
Data quality from crowdsourcing: a study of annotation selection criteria
PY Hsueh, P Melville, V Sindhwani
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 workshop on active learning for natural …, 2009
On manifold regularization
M Belkin, P Niyogi, V Sindhwani
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 17-24, 2005
Large scale semi-supervised linear SVMs
V Sindhwani, SS Keerthi
Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2006
An RKHS for multi-view learning and manifold co-regularization
V Sindhwani, DS Rosenberg
Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning, 976-983, 2008
Structured transforms for small-footprint deep learning
V Sindhwani, T Sainath, S Kumar
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28, 2015
Document-word co-regularization for semi-supervised sentiment analysis
V Sindhwani, P Melville
Data Mining, 2008. ICDM'08. Eighth IEEE International Conference on, 1025-1030, 2008
A non-negative matrix tri-factorization approach to sentiment classification with lexical prior knowledge
T Li, Y Zhang, V Sindhwani
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL …, 2009
An efficient method for gradient-based adaptation of hyperparameters in SVM models
S Keerthi, V Sindhwani, O Chapelle
Learning evolving and emerging topics in social media: a dynamic nmf approach with temporal regularization
A Saha, V Sindhwani
Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data …, 2012
Learning to rearrange deformable cables, fabrics, and bags with goal-conditioned transporter networks
D Seita, P Florence, J Tompson, E Coumans, V Sindhwani, K Goldberg, ...
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4568-4575, 2021
Branch and bound for semi-supervised support vector machines
O Chapelle, V Sindhwani, S Keerthi
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Articles 1–20