Hélio V. Cabral
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Cited by
Is myoelectric activity distributed equally within the rectus femoris muscle during loaded, squat exercises?
LML de Souza, DB da Fonseca, H da Veiga Cabral, LF de Oliveira, ...
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 33, 10-19, 2017
Motor units in vastus lateralis and in different vastus medialis regions show different firing properties during low-level, isometric knee extension contraction
LML de Souza, HV Cabral, LF de Oliveira, TM Vieira
Human Movement Science 58, 307-314, 2018
Innervation zone locations distribute medially within the pectoralis major muscle during bench press exercise
FD Mancebo, HV Cabral, LML de Souza, LF de Oliveira, TM Vieira
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 46, 8-13, 2019
Is the firing rate of motor units in different vastus medialis regions modulated similarly during isometric contractions?
HV Cabral, LML de Souza, RGT Mello, A Gallina, LF de Oliveira, ...
Muscle & Nerve 57 (2), 279-286, 2018
Non-uniform excitation of pectoralis major induced by changes in bench press inclination leads to uneven variations in the cross-sectional area measured by panoramic …
JC dos Santos Albarello, HV Cabral, BFM Leitão, GH Halmenschlager, ...
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 67, 102722, 2022
Neuromuscular adaptations to experimentally induced pain in the lumbar region: systematic review and meta-analysis
V Devecchi, D Falla, HV Cabral, A Gallina
Pain 164 (6), 1159-1180, 2023
Non‐uniform excitation of the pectoralis major muscle during flat and inclined bench press exercises
HV Cabral, LML de Souza, LF de Oliveira, TM Vieira
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 32 (2), 381-390, 2022
Surface wave elastography is a reliable method to correlate muscle elasticity, torque, and electromyography activity level
GA Grinspan, HV Cabral, LML de Souza, LF de Oliveira, S Aguiar, ...
Physiological reports 9 (15), e14955, 2021
Effect of movement‐evoked and tonic experimental pain on muscle force production
HV Cabral, V Devecchi, C Oxendale, N Jenkinson, D Falla, A Gallina
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 34 (1), e14509, 2024
Both the resistance training session and the static stretching after exercise does not affect the pectoralis major stiffness of well-trained men
LF de Oliveira, HV Cabral, BFM Leitão, TT da Matta
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 24 (4), 321-324, 2020
Muscle contractile properties directly influence shared synaptic inputs to spinal motor neurons
HV Cabral, JG Inglis, A Cudicio, M Cogliati, C Orizio, US Yavuz, F Negro
The Journal of Physiology, 2024
Is the EMGs Amplitude Distribution Spatially Localized in the Pectoralis Major Muscle During the Inclined Bench Press?
FD Mancebo, HV Cabral, LML De Souza, LF Oliveira
XXVI Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering: CBEB 2018, Armação de …, 2019
Spinal kinematic variability is increased in people with chronic low back pain during a repetitive lifting task
AM Alsubaie, A Sanderson, HV Cabral, E Martinez-Valdes, D Falla
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 73, 102832, 2023
Changes in supramaximal M-wave amplitude at different regions of biceps brachii following eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors
HV Cabral, KM Meiburger, LF de Oliveira, TM Vieira
European Journal of Applied Physiology 121, 307-318, 2021
Influence of age on force and re-lengthening dynamics after tetanic stimulation withdrawal in the tibialis anterior muscle
M Cogliati, A Cudicio, M Benedini, HV Cabral, F Negro, C Reggiani, ...
European journal of applied physiology 123 (8), 1825-1836, 2023
Differences between vastus medialis and lateralis excitation onsets are dependent on the relative distance of surface electrodes placement from the innervation zone location
LML de Souza, HV Cabral, LF de Oliveira, TM Vieira
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 67, 102713, 2022
Neuromuscular adaptations to experimentally induced pain in the lumbar region: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
V Devecchi, D Falla, HV Cabral, A Gallina
Systematic Reviews 10, 1-10, 2021
Motor Unit Discharge Behaviour in Human Muscles Throughout Force Gradation: A Systematic-Review and Meta-Analysis with Meta-Regression
JG Inglis, HV Cabral, C Cosentino, A Bonardi, F Negro
Available at SSRN 5003494, 2024
The effect of experimentally induced pain in the cervical, shoulder or orofacial regions on cervical neuromuscular and kinematic features: a systematic review and meta-analysis
HV Cabral, C Oxendale, V Devecchi, D Falla, A Gallina
The Journal of Pain, 104660, 2024
Assessing the Feasibility of EMG Biofeedback to Reduce the Upper Trapezius Muscle Excitation during a Seated Row Exercise, a Non-randomized Comparative Study
FV Dos Anjos, HV Cabral, A de Oliveira Silva, TM Vieira, LF de Oliveira
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 1-11, 2024
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Articles 1–20