Rainald Lohner
Rainald Lohner
Other namesRainald Löhner, Rainald Loehner
Professor, George Mason University; Visiting Scientist, CIMNE
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Cited by
Generation of three‐dimensional unstructured grids by the advancing‐front method
R Löhner, P Parikh
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 8 (10), 1135-1149, 1988
Applied computational fluid dynamics techniques: an introduction based on finite element methods
R Löhner
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Finite element flux‐corrected transport (FEM–FCT) for the euler and Navier–Stokes equations
R Löhner, K Morgan, J Peraire, M Vahdati
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 7 (10), 1093-1109, 1987
An adaptive finite element scheme for transient problems in CFD
R Löhner
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 61 (3), 323-338, 1987
A fast, matrix-free implicit method for compressible flows on unstructured grids
H Luo, JD Baum, R Löhner
Journal of Computational Physics 146 (2), 664-690, 1998
The solution of non‐linear hyperbolic equation systems by the finite element method
R Löhner, K Morgan, OC Zienkiewicz
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 4 (11), 1043-1063, 1984
A Hermite WENO-based limiter for discontinuous Galerkin method on unstructured grids
H Luo, JD Baum, R Löhner
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (1), 686-713, 2007
Improved ALE mesh velocities for moving bodies
R Löhner, C Yang
Communications in numerical methods in engineering 12 (10), 599-608, 1996
Conservative Load Projection and Tracking for Fluid-Structure Problems
JR Cebral, R Lohner
AIAA Journal 35 (4), 687-692, 1997
A discontinuous Galerkin method based on a Taylor basis for the compressible flows on arbitrary grids
H Luo, JD Baum, R Löhner
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (20), 8875-8893, 2008
Flux-corrected transport: principles, algorithms, and applications
D Kuzmin, R Löhner, S Turek
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Running unstructured grid‐based CFD solvers on modern graphics hardware
A Corrigan, FF Camelli, R Löhner, J Wallin
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 66 (2), 221-229, 2011
On the computation of multi-material flows using ALE formulation
H Luo, JD Baum, R Löhner
Journal of Computational Physics 194 (1), 304-328, 2004
Adaptive h‐refinement on 3D unstructured grids for transient problems
R Löhner, JD Baum
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 14 (12), 1407-1419, 1992
From medical images to anatomically accurate finite element grids
JR Cebral, R Löhner
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 51 (8), 985-1008, 2001
An adaptive finite element procedure for compressible high speed flows
R Löhner, K Morgan, OC Zienkiewicz
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 51 (1-3), 441-465, 1985
Some useful data structures for the generation of unstructured grids
R Löhner
Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 4 (1), 123-135, 1988
Progress in grid generation via the advancing front technique
R Löhner
Engineering with computers 12, 186-210, 1996
Blood flow modeling in carotid arteries with computational fluid dynamics and MR imaging
JR Cebral, PJ Yim, R Löhner, O Soto, PL Choyke
Academic radiology 9 (11), 1286-1299, 2002
Regridding surface triangulations
R Löhner
Journal of Computational Physics 126 (1), 1-10, 1996
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Articles 1–20