steven v. weijs
Cited by
Cited by
A philosophical basis for hydrological uncertainty
GS Nearing, Y Tian, HV Gupta, MP Clark, KW Harrison, SV Weijs
Hydrological Sciences Journal 61 (9), 1666-1678, 2016
Multiple model predictive control on a drainage canal system
PJ van Overloop, S Weijs, S Dijkstra
Control Engineering Practice 16 (5), 531-540, 2008
Why hydrological predictions should be evaluated using information theory
SV Weijs, G Schoups, N de Giesen
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (12), 2545-2558, 2010
Advancing catchment hydrology to deal with predictions under change
U Ehret, HV Gupta, M Sivapalan, SV Weijs, SJ Schymanski, G Blöschl, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (2), 649-671, 2014
Kullback-Leibler divergence as a forecast skill score with classic reliability-resolution-uncertainty decomposition
SV Weijs, R Van Nooijen, N Van De Giesen
Monthly Weather Review 138 (9), 3387-3399, 2010
Geomorphic Signatures on Brutsaert Base Flow Recession Analysis: case study of 27 Swiss Catchments
R Mutzner, E Bertuzzo, P Tarolli, SV Weijs, L Nicotina, S Ceola, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 1144, 2013
Geomorphic signatures on Brutsaert base flow recession analysis
R Mutzner, E Bertuzzo, P Tarolli, SV Weijs, L Nicotina, S Ceola, ...
Water Resources Research 49 (9), 5462-5472, 2013
Controls on the diurnal streamflow cycles in two subbasins of an alpine headwater catchment
R Mutzner, SV Weijs, P Tarolli, M Calaf, HJ Oldroyd, MB Parlange
Water Resources Research 51 (5), 3403-3418, 2015
Could electrical conductivity replace water level in rating curves for alpine streams?
SV Weijs, R Mutzner, MB Parlange
Water Resources Research, 2013
Accounting for observational uncertainty in forecast verification: An information-theoretical view on forecasts, observations, and truth
SV Weijs, N van de Giesen
Monthly Weather Review 139 (7), 2156-2162, 2011
Data compression to define information content of hydrological time series.
SV Weijs, N de Giesen, MB Parlange
Hydrology & Earth System Sciences 17 (8), 3171-3187, 2013
Debates: Does information theory provide a new paradigm for earth science? Sharper predictions using Occam's digital razor
SV Weijs, BL Ruddell
Water resources research 56 (2), e2019WR026471, 2020
Soil Moisture & Snow Properties Determination with GNSS in Alpine Environments: Challenges, Status, and Perspectives
C Botteron, N Dawes, J Leclère, J Skaloud, SV Weijs, PA Farine
Remote Sensing 5 (7), 3516-3543, 2013
HydroZIP: How Hydrological Knowledge can Be Used to Improve Compression of Hydrological Data
SV Weijs, N van de Giesen, MB Parlange
Entropy 15 (4), 1289-1310, 2013
Reservoir operation optimized for hydropower production reduces conflict with traditional water uses in the Senegal River
L Raso, JC Bader, S Weijs
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 146 (4), 05020003, 2020
An information-theoretical perspective on weighted ensemble forecasts
SV Weijs, N Van de Giesen
Journal of Hydrology 498, 177-190, 2013
Using the Wiimote as a sensor in water research
RW Hut, SV Weijs, WMJ Luxemburg
Water Resources Research 46 (12), 2010
Entropy Ensemble Filter: A Modified Bootstrap Aggregating (Bagging) Procedure to Improve Efficiency in Ensemble Model Simulation
H Foroozand, SV Weijs
Entropy 19 (10), 520, 2017
Information Theory for Risk-based Water System Operation
SV Weijs
TU Delft, Delft University of Technology, 2011
Dependency and redundancy: How information theory untangles three variable interactions in environmental data
SV Weijs, H Foroozand, A Kumar
Water Resources Research 54 (10), 7143-7148, 2018
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Articles 1–20