Jiří Šimša
Jiří Šimša
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Gemini: a family of highly capable multimodal models
G Team, R Anil, S Borgeaud, JB Alayrac, J Yu, R Soricut, J Schalkwyk, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.11805, 2023
Gemini 1.5: Unlocking multimodal understanding across millions of tokens of context
G Team, P Georgiev, VI Lei, R Burnell, L Bai, A Gulati, G Tanzer, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.05530, 2024
Breaking audio captchas
J Tam, J Simsa, S Hyde, L Ahn
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21, 2008
Accepting predecessors are better than back edges in distributed ltl model-checking
L Brim, I Černá, P Moravec, J Šimša
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 352-366, 2004
Parrot: A practical runtime for deterministic, stable, and reliable threads
H Cui, J Simsa, YH Lin, H Li, B Blum, X Xu, J Yang, GA Gibson, RE Bryant
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems …, 2013
tf. data: A machine learning data processing framework
DG Murray, J Simsa, A Klimovic, I Indyk
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.12127, 2021
Comparing performance of solid state devices and mechanical disks
M Polte, J Simsa, G Gibson
2008 3rd Petascale Data Storage Workshop, 1-7, 2008
dBug: systematic evaluation of distributed systems
J Simsa, R Bryant, G Gibson
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Systems software …, 2010
Enabling enterprise solid state disks performance
M Polte, J Simsa, G Gibson
Carnegie Mellon University, 2009
Finding heap-bounds for hardware synthesis
B Cook, A Gupta, S Magill, A Rybalchenko, J Simsa, S Singh, V Vafeiadis
2009 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 205-212, 2009
How to Order Vertices for Distributed LTL Model-Checking Based on Accepting Predecessors
L Brim, I Černá, P Moravec, J Šimša
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Parallel and …, 2005
Plumber: Diagnosing and removing performance bottlenecks in machine learning data pipelines
M Kuchnik, A Klimovic, J Simsa, V Smith, G Amvrosiadis
Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems 4, 33-51, 2022
Distributed partial order reduction of state spaces
L Brim, I Černá, P Moravec, J Šimša
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 128 (3), 63-74, 2005
Improving audio captchas
J Tam, J Simsa, D Huggins-Daines, L Von Ahn, M Blum
Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 2008
Fast log-based concurrent writing of checkpoints
M Polte, J Simsa, W Tantisiriroj, G Gibson, S Dayal, M Chainani, ...
2008 3rd Petascale Data Storage Workshop, 1-4, 2008
dBug: systematic testing of unmodified distributed and multi-threaded systems
J Šimša, R Bryant, G Gibson
Model Checking Software, 188-193, 2011
Scalable dynamic partial order reduction
J Simsa, R Bryant, G Gibson, J Hickey
Runtime Verification: Third International Conference, RV 2012, Istanbul …, 2013
Designing hardware with dynamic memory abstraction
J Simsa, S Singh
Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM/SIGDA international symposium on Field …, 2010
A case for disaggregation of ml data processing
A Audibert, Y Chen, D Graur, A Klimovic, J Simsa, CA Thekkath
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.14826, 2022
Towards ML engineering: a brief history of tensorflow extended (TFX)
K Katsiapis, A Karmarkar, A Altay, A Zaks, N Polyzotis, A Ramesh, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.02013, 2020
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Articles 1–20