Kees H.T. Schreven
Kees H.T. Schreven
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Cited by
Nesting attempts and success of Arctic-breeding geese can be derived with high precision from accelerometry and GPS-tracking
KHT Schreven, C Stolz, J Madsen, BA Nolet
Animal Biotelemetry 9, 1-13, 2021
Contrasting effects of the onset of spring on reproductive success of Arctic-nesting geese
BA Nolet, KHT Schreven, MP Boom, TK Lameris
The Auk 137 (1), ukz063, 2020
Rapid formation of new migration route and breeding area by Arctic geese
J Madsen, KHT Schreven, GH Jensen, FA Johnson, L Nilsson, BA Nolet, ...
Current Biology 33 (6), 1162-1170. e4, 2023
Effects of capture and marking on the behaviour of moulting Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus on Svalbard
KK Clausen, KHT Schreven, J Madsen
Wildfowl 70 (1), 13-29, 2020
Sea crossings of migratory pink‐footed geese: seasonal effects of winds on flying and stopping behaviour
J Geisler, J Madsen, BA Nolet, KHT Schreven
Journal of Avian Biology 2022 (10), e02985, 2022
Earlier springs increase goose breeding propensity and nesting success at Arctic but not at temperate latitudes
MP Boom, KHT Schreven, NH Buitendijk, S Moonen, BA Nolet, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 92 (12), 2399-2411, 2023
Wild goose chase: Geese flee high and far, and with aftereffects from New Year's fireworks
A Kölzsch, TK Lameris, GJDM Müskens, KHT Schreven, NH Buitendijk, ...
Conservation Letters 16 (1), e12927, 2023
Year-round activity levels reveal diurnal foraging constraints in the annual cycle of migratory and non-migratory barnacle geese
MP Boom, TK Lameris, KHT Schreven, NH Buitendijk, S Moonen, ...
Oecologia 202 (2), 287-298, 2023
Barnacle geese Branta leucopsis breeding on Novaya Zemlya: current distribution and population size estimated from tracking data
TK Lameris, OB Pokrovskaya, AV Kondratyev, YA Anisimov, ...
Polar Biology 46 (1), 67-76, 2023
A gloomy future for light-bellied brent geese in Tusenøyane, Svalbard, under a changing predator regime
J Madsen, C Jaspers, J Frikke, OM Gundersen, BA Nolet, K Nolet, ...
Polar Research, 2019
Europäisches Greifvogel-Dichtezentrum im Reichswald bei Kleve
G Müskens, J Thissen, Y van der Horst, K Schreven, D Visser, R Zollinger
Charadrius 51, 63-79, 2015
Trekroutes en overwinteringsgebieden van Nederlandse Gierzwaluwen ontrafeld met geolocators
R Klaassen, H Klaassen, A Berghuis, M Berghuis, K Schreven, Y Horst
Limosa 87, 173-181, 2014
Effects of capture and GPS-tagging in spring on migration timing and reproduction in Pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus
KHT Schreven, J Madsen, BA Nolet
Animal Biotelemetry 12 (1), 10, 2024
Why do afternoon copulations mainly occur after the egg-laying peak date in a colony of Great Skuas on Skúvoy, Faroe Islands?
KHT Schreven, S Hammer
Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 113 (2), 65-70, 2019
Snowmelt progression drives habitat selection and vegetation disturbance by an Arctic avian herbivore
I Eischeid, J Madsen, RA Ims, BA Nolet, ÅØ Pedersen, KHT Schreven, ...
Ecosphere 14 (12), e4729, 2023
Brood Sex Ratio in European Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus is Related to Spring Phenology
KHT Schreven, RG Bijlsma, C Both
Ardea 110 (2), 1-18, 2022
Tail feather elongation in Great Skuas Stercorarius skua: a sexual ornament signalling individual quality?
KHT Schreven, S Hammer
Bird Study 67 (3), 360-370, 2020
Recente broedresultaten van Nederlandse Spreeuwen in een historisch perspectief
C van Turnhout, J Nienhuis, F Majoor, G Ottens, K Schreven, J Schoppers
Limosa 89, 37-45, 2016
Are increasing roosting waterbird numbers responsible for eutrophication of shallow lakes? Examples from a Danish Ramsar site
P Clausen, TL Lauridsen, CL Pedersen, HH Nielsen, E Jeppesen, ...
Hydrobiologia, 1-22, 2024
Geese colonising New Land: causes and mechanisms of range expansion in an Arctic-breeding migrant
KHT Schreven
University of Amsterdam, 2023
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Articles 1–20