Measurement error: models, methods, and applications JP Buonaccorsi Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2010 | 797 | 2010 |
Interactions among gypsy moths, white‐footed mice, and acorns JS Elkinton, WM Healy, JP Buonaccorsi, GH Boettner, AM Hazzard, ... Ecology 77 (8), 2332-2342, 1996 | 353 | 1996 |
Host heterogeneity in susceptibility and disease dynamics: tests of a mathematical model G Dwyer, JS Elkinton, JP Buonaccorsi The American Naturalist 150 (6), 685-707, 1997 | 298 | 1997 |
Development and validation of an estuarine biotic integrity index LA Deegan, JT Finn, SG Ayvazian, CA Ryder-Kieffer, J Buonaccorsi Estuaries 20, 601-617, 1997 | 284 | 1997 |
Habitat selection and habitat‐specific survival of fledgling ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapilla) DI King, RM Degraaf, ML Smith, JP Buonaccorsi Journal of Zoology 269 (4), 414-421, 2006 | 235 | 2006 |
Role of winter temperature and climate change on the survival and future range expansion of the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) in eastern North America A Paradis, J Elkinton, K Hayhoe, J Buonaccorsi Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 13, 541-554, 2008 | 234 | 2008 |
Oak forest ecosystems: ecology and management for wildlife WJ McShea, WM Healy JHU Press, 2002 | 233 | 2002 |
Measuring and testing for spatial synchrony JP Buonaccorsi, JS Elkinton, SR Evans, AM Liebhold Ecology 82 (6), 1668-1679, 2001 | 223 | 2001 |
Analysis of Survival of Young and Old Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) from Puerto Rico and Thailand LC Harrington, JP Buonaccorsi, JD Edman, A Costero, P Kittayapong, ... Journal of medical entomology 38 (4), 537-547, 2001 | 185 | 2001 |
Marginal attack rate, k‐values and density dependence in the analysis of contemporaneous mortality factors JS Elkinton, JP Buonaccorsi, TS Bellows Jr, RG Van Driesche Population Ecology 34 (1), 29-44, 1992 | 123 | 1992 |
Virus transmission in gypsy moths is not a simple mass action process V D'Amico, JS Elkinton, G Dwyer, JP Burand, JP Buonaccorsi Ecology 77 (1), 201-206, 1996 | 102 | 1996 |
A multiscale landscape approach to predicting bird and moth rarity hotspots in a threatened pitch pine–scrub oak community J Grand, J Buonaccorsi, SA Cushman, CR Griffin, MC Neel Conservation Biology 18 (4), 1063-1077, 2004 | 101 | 2004 |
Density estimation in the presence of heteroscedastic measurement error J Staudenmayer, D Ruppert, JP Buonaccorsi Journal of the American Statistical Association 103 (482), 726-736, 2008 | 98 | 2008 |
Measurement error in linear autoregressive models J Staudenmayer, JP Buonaccorsi Journal of the American Statistical Association 100 (471), 841-852, 2005 | 97 | 2005 |
PERIOD–LUMINOSITY RELATIONS DERIVED FROM THE OGLE-III FUNDAMENTAL MODE CEPHEIDS CC Ngeow, SM Kanbur, HR Neilson, A Nanthakumar, J Buonaccorsi The Astrophysical Journal 693 (1), 691, 2009 | 76 | 2009 |
Further empirical evidence for the non-linearity of the period—luminosity relations as seen in the Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheids CC Ngeow, SM Kanbur, S Nikolaev, J Buonaccorsi, KH Cook, DL Welch Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 363 (3), 831-846, 2005 | 73 | 2005 |
Estimation in longitudinal random effects models with measurement error J Buonaccorsi, E Demidenko, T Tosteson Statistica Sinica, 885-903, 2000 | 72 | 2000 |
Measurement error in the response in the general linear model JP Buonaccorsi Journal of the American Statistical Association 91 (434), 633-642, 1996 | 61 | 1996 |
Estimation and comparison of mosquito survival rates with release-recapture-removal data JP Buonaccorsi, LC Harrington, JD Edman Journal of Medical Entomology 40 (1), 6-17, 2003 | 59 | 2003 |
Covariate measurement error and the estimation of random effect parameters in a mixed model for longitudinal data TD Tosteson, JP Buonaccorsi, E Demidenko Statistics in Medicine 17 (17), 1959-1971, 1998 | 58 | 1998 |