Stefano Basagni
Stefano Basagni
Professor of Computer Engineering, Northeastern University
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A distance routing effect algorithm for mobility (DREAM)
S Basagni, I Chlamtac, VR Syrotiuk, BA Woodward
Proceedings of the 4th annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Mobile …, 1998
Distributed clustering for ad hoc networks
S Basagni
Proceedings Fourth International Symposium on Parallel Architectures …, 1999
Mobile ad hoc networking
S Basagni, M Conti, S Giordano, I Stojmenovic
John Wiley & Sons; IEEE Press, 2004
Understanding O-RAN: Architecture, interfaces, algorithms, security, and research challenges
M Polese, L Bonati, S D’oro, S Basagni, T Melodia
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 25 (2), 1376-1411, 2023
Exploiting sink mobility for maximizing sensor networks lifetime
ZM Wang, S Basagni, E Melachrinoudis, C Petrioli
Proceedings of the 38th annual Hawaii international conference on system …, 2005
Controlled sink mobility for prolonging wireless sensor networks lifetime
S Basagni, A Carosi, E Melachrinoudis, C Petrioli, ZM Wang
Wireless Networks 14, 831-858, 2008
Bluetrees-scatternet formation to enable Bluetooth-based ad hoc networks
GV Zaruba, S Basagni, I Chlamtac
ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Record …, 2001
Secure pebblenets
S Basagni, K Herrin, D Bruschi, E Rosti
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2001
Distributed and mobility-adaptive clustering for multimedia support in multi-hop wireless networks
S Basagni
Gateway to 21st Century Communications Village. VTC 1999-Fall. IEEE VTS 50th …, 1999
Intelligence and learning in O-RAN for data-driven NextG cellular networks
L Bonati, S D'Oro, M Polese, S Basagni, T Melodia
IEEE Communications Magazine 59 (10), 21-27, 2021
Open, programmable, and virtualized 5G networks: State-of-the-art and the road ahead
L Bonati, M Polese, S D’Oro, S Basagni, T Melodia
Computer Networks 182, 107516, 2020
Mobile ad hoc networking: Cutting edge directions
S Basagni, M Conti, S Giordano, I Stojmenovic
John Wiley & Sons; IEEE Press, 2013
Smart RF energy harvesting communications: Challenges and opportunities
D Mishra, S De, S Jana, S Basagni, K Chowdhury, W Heinzelman
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (4), 70-78, 2015
Configuring BlueStars: Multihop scatternet formation for Bluetooth networks
C Petrioli, S Basagni, M Chlamtac
IEEE Transactions on Computers 52 (6), 779-790, 2003
Wireless sensor networks with energy harvesting
S Basagni, MY Naderi, C Petrioli, D Spenza
Mobile Ad Hoc Networking: Cutting Edge Directions, 701-736, 2013
CARP: A channel-aware routing protocol for underwater acoustic wireless networks
S Basagni, C Petrioli, R Petroccia, D Spaccini
Ad Hoc Networks 34, 92-104, 2015
Localized protocols for ad hoc clustering and backbone formation: A performance comparison
S Basagni, M Mastrogiovanni, A Panconesi, C Petrioli
IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems 17 (4), 292-306, 2006
Beyond duty cycling: Wake-up radio with selective awakenings for long-lived wireless sensing systems
D Spenza, M Magno, S Basagni, L Benini, M Paoli, C Petrioli
2015 IEEE conference on computer communications (INFOCOM), 522-530, 2015
A generalized clustering algorithm for peer-to-peer networks
S Basagni
Proc. Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Communication, July 1997, 1997
ColO-RAN: Developing machine learning-based xApps for open RAN closed-loop control on programmable experimental platforms
M Polese, L Bonati, S D'Oro, S Basagni, T Melodia
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 22 (10), 5787-5800, 2022
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