Graham S. Horn
Graham S. Horn
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Cited by
Robot task planning and explanation in open and uncertain worlds
M Hanheide, M Göbelbecker, GS Horn, A Pronobis, K Sjöö, A Aydemir, ...
Artificial Intelligence 247, 119-150, 2017
Fly-by-agent: Controlling a pool of UAVs via a multi-agent system
JW Baxter, GS Horn, DP Leivers
Knowledge-Based Systems 21 (3), 232-237, 2008
Agents in industry: the best from the AAMAS 2005 industry track
M Pechoucek, SG Thompson, JW Baxter, GS Horn, K Kok, C Warmer, ...
Intelligent Systems, IEEE 21 (2), 86-95, 2006
Towards a Cognitive System That Can Recognize Spatial Regions Based on Context
N Hawes, M Klenk, K Lockwood, GS Horn, JD Kelleher
AAAI-2012, 2012
Controlling teams of uninhabited air vehicles
JW Baxter, GS Horn
Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2005
A model for co-ordination and co-operation between CGF agents
JW Baxter, GS Horn
Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Computer Generated Forces and Behavior …, 1999
Executing group tasks despite losses and failures
JW Baxter, GS Horn
Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Computer Generated Forces and …, 2001
An interactive planner for tank squadron assaults
GS Horn, JW Baxter
Proceedings of the 19th planning and scheduling special interest group …, 2000
A Multi-Agent System for Package Level Autonomy
JW Baxter, GS Horn
AIAA 1 st Intelligent Systems Technical Conference, 1-7, 2004
A multi-agent system for executing group tasks
J Baxter, G Horn
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 697-703, 2003
An interactive planner for tank assaults
GS Horn, JW Baxter
Procs 10 th Conference on Computer Generated Forces & Behavioural …, 2001
Personalised briefing agents to improve situational awareness
GS Horn, ZP Lock
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agent-Oriented …, 2002
Co-ordinating Agents in the Simulated Battlefield
GS Horn, JW Baxter
Workshop on Norms and Institutions in Multi Agent Systems, 101-103, 2000
Issues affecting the Control and Co-ordination of Agent Teams in the Simulated Battlefield
GS Horn, JW Baxter
Proceedings of AAAI Workshop on Representational Issues for Real Worlds …, 2000
Variable-autonomy control of teams of uninhabited air vehicles
JW Baxter, GS Horn
IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 21 (2), 87-88, 2006
Personalised Briefing Agents to Enhance Situational Awareness
ZP Lock, GS Horn
Improving the Co-ordination and Control of Battlefield Simulation Agents
J Baxter, G Horn
Proceedings of the IJCAI99 Workshop on Team Behaviour and Plan Recognition, 1999
Using Anchor Points to Define and Transfer Spatial Regions Based on Context
M Klenk, N Hawes, K Lockwood, GS Horn, JD Kelleher
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Articles 1–18