Kurt A. Carlson
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Cited by
Biased interpretation of evidence by mock jurors.
KA Carlson, JE Russo
Journal of experimental psychology: Applied 7 (2), 91, 2001
Generating objectives: can decision makers articulate what they want?
SD Bond, KA Carlson, RL Keeney
Management Science 54 (1), 56-70, 2008
The goal of consistency as a cause of information distortion.
JE Russo, KA Carlson, MG Meloy, K Yong
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 137 (3), 456, 2008
Leader-driven primacy: Using attribute order to affect consumer choice
KA Carlson, MG Meloy, JE Russo
Journal of Consumer Research 32 (4), 513-518, 2006
Choosing an inferior alternative
JE Russo, KA Carlson, MG Meloy
Psychological Science 17 (10), 899-904, 2006
Improving the generation of decision objectives
SD Bond, KA Carlson, RL Keeney
Decision Analysis 7 (3), 238-255, 2010
The rule of three: How the third event signals the emergence of a streak
KA Carlson, SB Shu
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (1), 113-121, 2007
Unrealistically optimistic consumers: A selective hypothesis testing account for optimism in predictions of future behavior
RJ Tanner, KA Carlson
Journal of Consumer Research 35 (5), 810-822, 2009
When three charms but four alarms: Identifying the optimal number of claims in persuasion settings
SB Shu, KA Carlson
Journal of marketing 78 (1), 127-139, 2014
Information distortion in the evaluation of a single option
SD Bond, KA Carlson, MG Meloy, JE Russo, RJ Tanner
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 102 (2), 240-254, 2007
Contemporary brand management
JK Johansson
Sage Publications, 2014
Limiting predecisional distortion by prior valuation of attribute components
KA Carlson, LK Pearo
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 94 (1), 48-59, 2004
Improving preference assessment: Limiting the effect of context through pre-exposure to attribute levels
KA Carlson, SD Bond
Management Science 52 (3), 410-421, 2006
A theoretical framework for goal-based choice and for prescriptive analysis
KA Carlson, C Janiszewski, RL Keeney, DH Krantz, HC Kunreuther, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 241-254, 2008
Why unhappy customers are unlikely to share their opinions with brands
C Hydock, Z Chen, K Carlson
Journal of Marketing 84 (6), 95-112, 2020
The favor request effect: Requesting a favor from consumers to seal the deal
SJ Blanchard, KA Carlson, JD Hyodo
Journal of Consumer Research 42 (6), 985-1001, 2016
Individual decision making
JE Russo, KA Carlson
Handbook of marketing, 371-408, 2002
Goal reversion in consumer choice
KA Carlson, MG Meloy, EG Miller
Journal of Consumer Research 39 (5), 918-930, 2013
Catching nonconscious goals in the act of decision making
KA Carlson, RJ Tanner, MG Meloy, JE Russo
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 123 (1), 65-76, 2014
The role of health knowledge in determining dietary fat intake
KA Carlson, BW Gould
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 16 (3), 373-386, 1994
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