Jannie Møller Hartley
Jannie Møller Hartley
Professor in News Use and Digital Transformations, Roskilde University
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Small acts of engagement: Reconnecting productive audience practices with everyday agency
I Picone, J Kleut, T Pavlíčková, B Romic, J Møller Hartley, S De Ridder
new media & society 21 (9), 2010-2028, 2019
Framing gender justice
T Askanius, JM Hartley
Nordicom Review 40 (2), 19-36, 2019
Activist-journalism and the Norm of Objectivity: Role Performance in the Reporting of the# MeToo Movement in Denmark and Sweden
J Møller Hartley, T Askanius
Journalism Practice 15 (6), 860-877, 2021
Field theory approaches to new media practices: An introduction and some theoretical considerations
JM Hartley, I Willig, K Waltorp
MedieKultur 31 (58), 1-12, 2015
Designing what’s news: An ethnography of a personalization algorithm and the data-driven (re) assembling of the news
A Schjøtt Hansen, JM Hartley
Digital Journalism 11 (6), 924-942, 2023
‘It’s something posh people do’: Digital distinction in young people’s cross-media news engagement
JM Hartley
Media and Communication 6 (2), 46-55, 2018
The online journalist between ideals and audiences: Towards a (more) audience-driven and source-detached journalism?
J Møller Hartley
Journalism Practice 7 (5), 572-587, 2013
Radikalisering af kampzonen: en analyse af netjournalistisk praksis og selvforståelse i spændingsfeltet mellem idealer og publikum
JM Hartley
Roskilde Universitet, 2011
Researching publics in datafied societies: Insights from four approaches to the concept of ‘publics’ and a (hybrid) research agenda
J Møller Hartley, M Bengtsson, A Schjøtt Hansen, MF Sivertsen
New Media & Society 25 (7), 1668-1686, 2023
Routinizing breaking news: Categories and hierarchies in Danish online newsrooms
JM Hartley
Making online news: Newsroom ethnography in the second decade of internet …, 2011
Nyheder på Internettet: Journalistik i en ny medievirkelighed
JM Hartley
Djøf Forlag, 2012
When Homo Academicus meets Homo Journalisticus: An inter-field study of collaboration and conflict in the communication of scientific research
J Møller Hartley
Journalism 18 (2), 211-225, 2017
A Matter of Trust: Plagiarism, fake sources and paradigm repair in the Danish news media
M Blach-Ørsten, J Møller Hartley, MB Wittchen
Journalism Studies 19 (13), 1889-1898, 2018
Emerging trends in small acts of audience engagement and interruptions of content flows
J Kleut, T Pavlíčková, I Picone, S De Ridder, B Romic, JM Hartley
The future of audiences: A foresight analysis of interfaces and engagement …, 2018
Autonomies and Dependencies: shifting configurations of power in the platformization of news
JM Hartley, C Petre, M Bengtsson, A Kammer
Digital Journalism 11 (8), 1375-1390, 2023
Between ideals and practice: Journalism students facing ethical dilemmas in online newsroom teaching—Lessons from Denmark
MK Eberholst, JM Hartley, MB Olsen
Journalism & mass communication educator 71 (2), 189-202, 2016
Mapping online journalism in transition: Exploring an analytical model
JM Hartley, CH Ellersgaard
Nordicom Review 34 (s1), 43-60, 2013
Low on trust, high on use: Datafied media, trust and everyday life
D Mathieu, J Møller Hartley
Big Data & Society 8 (2), 20539517211059480, 2021
Journalistiske kvaliteter 1999-2014: Specialrapport
I Willig, M Ørsten, JM Hartley, S Flensburg
Kulturstyrelsen, 2015
Beyond the Informed Citizen?: Narratives of news engagement and civic experiences among Danish news users
JM Hartley, LH Pedersen
MedieKultur 35 (66), 55-74, 2019
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