Peter Gjøl Jensen
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Uppaal Stratego
A David, PG Jensen, KG Larsen, M Mikučionis, JH Taankvist
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 206-211, 2015
On time with minimal expected cost!
A David, PG Jensen, KG Larsen, A Legay, D Lime, MG Sørensen, ...
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 12th International …, 2014
Optimization of power-to-heat flexibility for residential buildings in response to day-ahead electricity price
H Golmohamadi, KG Larsen, PG Jensen, IR Hasrat
Energy and Buildings 232, 110665, 2021
Presentation of the 9th Edition of the Model Checking Contest
E Amparore, B Berthomieu, G Ciardo, S Dal Zilio, F Gallà, LM Hillah, ...
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2019
Integration of flexibility potentials of district heating systems into electricity markets: A review
H Golmohamadi, KG Larsen, PG Jensen, IR Hasrat
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 159, 112200, 2022
Teaching Stratego to Play Ball: Optimal Synthesis for Continuous Space MDPs
M Jaeger, PG Jensen, KG Larsen, A Legay, S Sedwards, JH Taankvist
International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and …, 2019
Simplification of CTL formulae for efficient model checking of Petri nets
F Bønneland, J Dyhr, PG Jensen, M Johannsen, J Srba
Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency: 39th International …, 2018
Co-simulation of hybrid systems with SpaceEx and Uppaal
S Bogomolov, M Greitschus, PG Jensen, KG Larsen, M Mikučionis, ...
11th International Modelica Conference, 159-169, 2015
Stubborn versus structural reductions for Petri nets
FM Bønneland, J Dyhr, PG Jensen, M Johannsen, J Srba
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 102, 46-63, 2019
Hierarchical flexibility potentials of residential buildings with responsive heat pumps: A case study of Denmark
H Golmohamadi, KG Larsen, PG Jensen, IR Hasrat
Journal of Building Engineering 41, 102425, 2021
Quantitative evaluation of attack defense trees using stochastic timed automata
RR Hansen, PG Jensen, KG Larsen, A Legay, DB Poulsen
Graphical Models for Security: 4th International Workshop, GraMSec 2017 …, 2018
PTrie: data structure for compressing and storing sets via prefix sharing
PG Jensen, KG Larsen, J Srba
Theoretical Aspects of Computing–ICTAC 2017: 14th International Colloquium …, 2017
AalWiNes: a fast and quantitative what-if analysis tool for MPLS networks
PG Jensen, D Kristiansen, S Schmid, MK Schou, BC Schrenk, J Srba
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on emerging Networking …, 2020
Approximating euclidean by imprecise Markov decision processes
M Jaeger, G Bacci, G Bacci, KG Larsen, PG Jensen
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation …, 2020
Partial Order Reduction for Reachability Games
FM Bønneland, PG Jensen, KG Larsen, M Muñiz, J Srba
CONCUR, 2019
MCC’2017–The Seventh Model Checking Contest
F Kordon, H Garavel, LM Hillah, E Paviot-Adet, L Jezequel, ...
Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency XIII, 181-209, 2018
Integrating Tools: Co-simulation in UPPAAL Using FMI-FMU
PG Jensen, KG Larsen, A Legay, U Nyman
2017 22nd International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer …, 2017
Real-time strategy synthesis for timed-arc Petri net games via discretization
PG Jensen, KG Larsen, J Srba
Model Checking Software: 23rd International Symposium, SPIN 2016, Co-located …, 2016
Start Pruning When Time Gets Urgent: Partial Order Reduction for Timed Systems
FM Bønneland, PG Jensen, KG Larsen, M Muñiz, J Srba
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 527-546, 2018
A Distributed Fixed-Point Algorithm for Extended Dependency Graphs
AE Dalsgaard, S Enevoldsen, P Fogh, LS Jensen, PG Jensen, TS Jepsen, ...
Fundamenta Informaticae 161 (4), 351-381, 2018
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