Roberto Cavada
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Cited by
The nuXmv Symbolic Model Checker
R Cavada, A Cimatti, M Dorigatti, A Griggio, A Mariotti, A Micheli, S Mover, ...
Computer Aided Verification: 26th International Conference, CAV 2014, Held …, 2014
Nusmv 2.4 user manual
R Cavada, A Cimatti, CA Jochim, G Keighren, E Olivetti, M Pistore, ...
CMU and ITC-irst 11, 22-45, 2005
Formal verification of diagnosability via symbolic model checking
C Pecheur, A Cimatti, R Cimatti
Workshop on model checking and artificial intelligence (MoChArt-2002), Lyon …, 2002
The xSAP Safety Analysis Platform
B Bittner, M Bozzano, R Cavada, A Cimatti, M Gario, A Griggio, C Mattarei, ...
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 22nd …, 2016
Formal analysis of hardware requirements
I Pill, S Semprini, R Cavada, M Roveri, R Bloem, A Cimatti
Proceedings of the 43rd annual Design Automation Conference, 821-826, 2006
Computing predicate abstractions by integrating BDDs and SMT solvers
R Cavada, A Cimatti, A Franzén, K Kalyanasundaram, M Roveri, ...
Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD'07), 69-76, 2007
RAT: A Tool for the Formal Analysis of Requirements: (Tool Paper)
R Bloem, R Cavada, I Pill, M Roveri, A Tchaltsev
Computer Aided Verification: 19th International Conference, CAV 2007, Berlin …, 2007
Formal verification and validation of AADL models
M Bozzano, R Cavada, A Cimatti, JP Katoen, V Nguyen, T Noll, X Olive
ERTS2 2010, Embedded Real Time Software & Systems, 2010
Biere A Bloem R et al
R Cavada
The nuXmv symbolic model checker Computer Aided Verification, 2014
A model-based approach to the design, verification and deployment of railway interlocking system
A Amendola, A Becchi, R Cavada, A Cimatti, A Griggio, G Scaglione, ...
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation …, 2020
Supporting requirements validation: The EuRailCheck tool
R Cavada, A Cimatti, A Mariotti, C Mattarei, A Micheli, S Mover, ...
2009 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering …, 2009
nuXmv 2.0. 0 User Manual
M Bozzano, R Cavada, A Cimatti, M Dorigatti, A Griggio, A Mariotti, ...
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Tech. Rept., Trento, Italy, 2019
NORMA: A tool for the analysis of Relay-based Railway Interlocking Systems
A Amendola, A Becchi, R Cavada, A Cimatti, A Ferrando, L Pilati, ...
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2022
Analysis of relay interlocking systems via SMT-based model checking of switched multi-domain Kirchhoff networks
R Cavada, A Cimatti, S Mover, M Sessa, G Cadavero, G Scaglione
2018 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD), 1-9, 2018
NuSMV 2.5 User Manual, 2010
R Cavada, A Cimatti, CA Jochim, G Keighren, E Olivetti, M Pistore, ...
URL http://nusmv. fbk. eu/NuSMV/userman/v25/nusmv. pdf. Accessed on June 24, 2013
NuSMV: a new symbolic model checker
R Cavada, A Cimatti, M Benedetti, E Olivetti, M Pistore, M Roveri, ...
OthelloPlay: a plug-in based tool for requirement formalization and validation
R Cavada, A Cimatti, A Micheli, M Roveri, A Susi, S Tonetta
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-ins, 59-59, 2011
Model-Based Design of an Energy-System Embedded Controller Using Taste
R Cavada, A Cimatti, L Crema, M Roccabruna, S Tonetta
FM 2016: Formal Methods: 21st International Symposium, Limassol, Cyprus …, 2016
Manual for property simulation and assurance tool (deliverable 1.2/4-5)
R Bloem, R Cavada, C Eisner, I Pill, M Roveri, S Semprini
PROSYD Project, Tech. Rep., 2004
COMPASTA: extending TASTE with formal design and verification functionality
A Bombardelli, M Bozzano, R Cavada, A Cimatti, A Griggio, M Nazaria, ...
International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment, 21-27, 2022
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Articles 1–20