George Glentis
George Glentis
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Cited by
Efficient least squares adaptive algorithms for FIR transversal filtering
GO Glentis, K Berberidis, S Theodoridis
IEEE signal processing magazine 16 (4), 13-41, 1999
Efficient implementation of iterative adaptive approach spectral estimation techniques
GO Glentis, A Jakobsson
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (9), 4154-4167, 2011
Efficient algorithms for Volterra system identification
GOA Glentis, P Koukoulas, N Kalouptsidis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 47 (11), 3042-3057, 1999
A fast algorithm for APES and Capon spectral estimation
GO Glentis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (9), 4207-4220, 2008
Fast missing-data IAA with application to notched spectrum SAR
J Karlsson, W Rowe, L Xu, GO Glentis, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 50 (2), 959-971, 2014
Fast adaptive algorithms for multichannel filtering and system identification
GOA Glentis, N Kalouptsidis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 40 (10), 2433-2458, 1992
Superfast approximative implementation of the IAA spectral estimate
GO Glentis, A Jakobsson
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (1), 472-478, 2011
Time-recursive IAA spectral estimation
GO Glentis, A Jakobsson
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 18 (2), 111-114, 2010
Non-parametric high-resolution SAR imaging
GO Glentis, K Zhao, A Jakobsson, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (7), 1614-1624, 2012
Efficient order recursive algorithms for multichannel least squares filtering
GOA Glentis, N Kalouptsidis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 40 (6), 1354-1374, 2002
Efficient algorithms for adaptive Capon and APES spectral estimation
GO Glentis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (1), 84-96, 2009
SAR imaging via efficient implementations of sparse ML approaches
GO Glentis, K Zhao, A Jakobsson, H Abeida, J Li
Signal Processing 95, 15-26, 2014
Fast LCMV-based methods for fundamental frequency estimation
JR Jensen, GO Glentis, MG Christensen, A Jakobsson, SH Jensen
IEEE transactions on signal processing 61 (12), 3159-3172, 2013
Transfer function determination of singular systems using the DFT
GE Antoniou, GOA Glentis, SJ Varoufakis, DA Karras
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems 36 (8), 1140-1142, 1989
Computationally efficient time-recursive IAA-based blood velocity estimation
A Jakobsson, GO Glentis, E Gudmundson
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (7), 3853-3858, 2012
An efficient affine projection algorithm for 2-D FIR adaptive filtering and linear prediction
GO Glentis
Signal processing 86 (1), 98-116, 2006
A highly modular adaptive lattice algorithm for multichannel least squares filtering
GO Glentis, N Kalouptsidis
Signal processing 46 (1), 47-55, 1995
Leakage detection using leak noise correlation techniques: overview and implementation aspects
GO Glentis, K Angelopoulos
Proceedings of the 23rd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 50-57, 2019
Block-recursive IAA-based spectral estimates with missing samples using data interpolation
GO Glentis, A Jakobsson, K Angelopoulos
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Computationally efficient Capon-and APES-based coherence spectrum estimation
K Angelopoulos, GO Glentis, A Jakobsson
IEEE transactions on signal processing 60 (12), 6674-6681, 2012
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Articles 1–20