Axel Larsen
Axel Larsen
Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology,University of Copenhagen
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Citeret af
Visual transformation of size.
C Bundesen, A Larsen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 1 (3), 214, 1975
Size scaling in visual pattern recognition.
A Larsen, C Bundesen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 4 (1), 1, 1978
Visual apparent movement: Transformations of size and orientation
C Bundesen, A Larsen, JE Farrell
Perception 12 (5), 549-558, 1983
Mental transformations of size and orientation
C Bundesen, A Larsen, JE Farrell
Measuring efficiency of selection from briefly exposed visual displays: a model for partial report.
C Bundesen, LF Pedersen, A Larsen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 10 (3), 329, 1984
Short-and long-range processes in visual apparent movement
A Larsen, JE Farrell, C Bundesen
Psychological Research 45 (1), 11-18, 1983
Pattern matching: Effects of size ratio, angular difference in orientation, and familiarity
A Larsen
Perception & Psychophysics 38, 63-68, 1985
Forgetting to forget: on the duration of voluntary suppression of neutral and emotional memories
S Nørby, M Lange, A Larsen
Acta psychologica 133 (1), 73-80, 2010
Seeing or hearing? Perceptual independence, modality confusions, and crossmodal congruity effects with focused and divided attention
A Larsen, W McIlhagga, J Baert, C Bundesen
Perception & psychophysics 65, 568-574, 2003
Visual selection from multielement displays: A model for partial report
C Bundesen, H Shibuya, A Larsen
Attention and performance XI, 631-649, 2016
Images of illusory motion in primary visual cortex
A Larsen, KH Madsen, TE Lund, C Bundesen
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 18 (7), 1174-1180, 2006
Effects of spatial separation in visual pattern matching: Evidence on the role of mental translation.
A Larsen, C Bundesen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 24 (3), 719, 1998
Independent encoding of colors and shapes from two stimuli
C Bundesen, S Kyllingsbæk, A Larsen
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 10 (2), 474-479, 2003
A template-matching pandemonium recognizes unconstrained handwritten characters with high accuracy
A Larsen, C Bundesen
Memory & cognition 24 (2), 136-143, 1996
Deconstructing mental rotation.
A Larsen
Journal of experimental psychology: Human perception and performance 40 (3 …, 2014
Attentional effects in the visual pathways: a whole-brain PET study
C Bundesen, A Larsen, S Kyllingsbæk, OB Paulson, I Law
Experimental Brain Research 147, 394-406, 2002
Brain activation during mental transformation of size
A Larsen, C Bundesen, S Kyllingsbæk, OB Paulson, I Law
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 12 (5), 763-774, 2000
Visual pattern matching: Effects of size ratio, complexity, and similarity in simultaneous and successive matching
A Larsen, W McIlhagga, C Bundesen
Psychological Research 62, 280-288, 1999
Velocity constraints on apparent rotational movement
JE Farrell, A Larsen, C Bundesen
Perception 11 (5), 541-546, 1982
Activation in the MT-complex during visual perception of apparent motion and temporal succession
A Larsen, S Kyllingsbæk, I Law, C Bundesen
Neuropsychologia 43 (7), 1060-1071, 2005
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