Songcui Hu
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Cited by
Quo vadis, dynamic capabilities? A content-analytic review of the current state of knowledge and recommendations for future research
O Schilke, S Hu, CE Helfat
Academy of management annals 12 (1), 390-439, 2018
Adaptive aspirations and performance heterogeneity: Attention allocation among multiple reference points
DP Blettner, ZL He, S Hu, RA Bettis
Strategic Management Journal 36 (7), 987-1005, 2015
Adaptive aspirations: Performance consequences of risk preferences at extremes and alternative reference groups
S Hu, D Blettner, RA Bettis
Strategic Management Journal 32 (13), 1426-1436, 2011
Conflict inside and outside: Social comparisons and attention shifts in multidivisional firms
S Hu, ZL He, DP Blettner, RA Bettis
Strategic Management Journal 38 (7), 1435-1454, 2017
Why do some insider CEOs make more strategic changes than others? The impact of prior board experience on new CEO insiderness
Q Zhu, S Hu, W Shen
Strategic Management Journal 41 (10), 1933-1951, 2020
Multiple organization goals with feedback from shared technological task environments
S Hu, RA Bettis
Organization Science 29 (5), 873-889, 2018
Problemistic search of the embedded firm: The joint effects of performance feedback and network positions on venture capital firms’ risk taking
S Hu, Q Gu, J Xia
Organization Science 33 (5), 1889-1908, 2022
Bounded rationality, heuristics, computational complexity, and artificial intelligence
RA Bettis, S Hu
Behavioral Strategy in Perspective, 139-150, 2018
Who's in the Driver's seat? Exploring firm-level vs. CEO-level effects on Problemistic search
S Hu, RJ Gentry, TJ Quigley, S Boivie
Journal of Management 49 (4), 1187-1212, 2023
Why do some new insider ceos make more strategic changes than others?
Q Zhu, S Hu, W Shen
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 13818, 2019
Motivation and Ability: Unpacking Underperforming Firms’ Risk Taking
O Ref, S Hu, M Milyavsky, NE Feldman, Z Shapira
Organization Science, 2024
A behavioral perspective on attention allocation among multiple goals: An exploratory examination of the automotive industry
S Hu
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012
Heterogeneity in adaptive aspirations and reference groups
DP Blettner, ZL He, S Hu, RA Bettis
Academy of Management Proceedings 2011 (1), 1-6, 2011
Internal Control Weakness and Corporate Divestitures
QJ Li, S Hu, W Shi
Journal of Management, 2024
The Joint Effects of Social Network Positions and Performance Feedback on Risk Taking of VC Firms
S Hu, Q Gu
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 12632, 2017
Adaptive Aspirations
S Hu, R Bettis
Hu, S., & Bettis, RA, 2013
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Articles 1–16