Jerzy Sarnecki
Jerzy Sarnecki
Professor of criminology, Stockholm university
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Delinquent networks: Youth co-offending in Stockholm
J Sarnecki
Cambridge University Press, 2001
Introduktion till kriminologi
J Sarnecki
Studentlitteratur, 2009
Crime as a price of inequality? The gap in registered crime between childhood immigrants, children of immigrants and children of native Swedes
M Hällsten, R Szulkin, J Sarnecki
British Journal of Criminology 53 (3), 456-481, 2013
Delinquent networks in Sweden
J Sarnecki
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 6, 31-50, 1990
Increased gun violence among young males in Sweden: A descriptive national survey and international comparison
J Sturup, A Rostami, H Mondani, M Gerell, J Sarnecki, C Edling
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 25 (4), 365-378, 2019
The genetic and environmental etiology of antisocial behavior from childhood to emerging adulthood
C Tuvblad, J Narusyte, M Grann, J Sarnecki, P Lichtenstein
Behavior genetics 41, 629-640, 2011
An introduction to life-course criminology
C Carlsson, J Sarnecki
Sage, 2015
The Swedish Mujahideen: An Exploratory Study of 41 Swedish Foreign Fighters Deceased in Iraq and Syria
A Rostami, J Sturup, H Mondani, P Thevselius, J Sarnecki, C Edling
Studies in conflict & terrorism 43 (5), 382-395, 2020
Predicting Social Maladjustment: Stockholm Boys Grown Up I
J Sarnecki, S Sollenhag
National Council for Crime Prevention Sweden, Research Division, 1985
Brottsligheten och samhället
J Sarnecki
A life-course analysis of engagement in violent extremist groups
C Carlsson, A Rostami, H Mondani, J Sturup, J Sarnecki, C Edling
The British Journal of Criminology 60 (1), 74-92, 2020
The phenomenology of specialization of criminal suspects
M Tumminello, C Edling, F Liljeros, RN Mantegna, J Sarnecki
PLoS One 8 (5), e64703, 2013
Våldsbejakande extremism och organiserad brottslighet i Sverige
A Rostami, H Mondani, C Carlsson, J Sturup, J Sarnecki, C Edling
Institutet för framtidsstudier, 2018
Intergenerational transmission of trajectories of offending over three generations
S Besemer, J Axelsson, J Sarnecki
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 2, 417-441, 2016
Skolan och brottsligheten
J Sarnecki
Carlsson, 1988
Minorities, crime, and criminal justice in Sweden
H von Hofer, J Sarnecki, H Tham
Minorities, migrants and crime, 62-85, 1997
SOU 2006: 030 Är rättvisan rättvis? Tio perspektiv på diskriminering av etniska och religiösa minoriteter inom rättssystemet
J Sarnecki
Norstedts Juridik AB, 2006
Criminal networks in Stockholm
J Sarnecki, T Pettersson
The eurogang paradox: street gangs and youth groups in the US and Europe …, 2001
Ungdomsbrottslighet: omfattning, karaktär, orsaker och samhällsreaktion
J Sarnecki
LiberFörlag, 1981
Keeping the balance between humanism and penal punitivism: recent trends in juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice in Sweden
J Sarnecki, F Estrada
International handbook of juvenile justice, 473-503, 2008
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