Marie-Pascale Noel
Marie-Pascale Noel
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Basic numerical skills in children with mathematics learning disabilities: A comparison of symbolic vs non-symbolic number magnitude processing
L Rousselle, MP Noël
Cognition 102 (3), 361-395, 2007
How do symbolic and non-symbolic numerical magnitude processing skills relate to individual differences in children's mathematical skills? A review of evidence from brain and …
B De Smedt, MP Noël, C Gilmore, D Ansari
Trends in Neuroscience and Education 2 (2), 48-55, 2013
Finger gnosia: a predictor of numerical abilities in children?
MP Noël
Child Neuropsychology 11 (5), 413-430, 2005
Symbolic and nonsymbolic number comparison in children with and without dyscalculia
C Mussolin, S Mejias, MP Noël
Cognition 115 (1), 10-25, 2010
Does finger training increase young children's numerical performance?
M Gracia-Bafalluy, MP Noël
cortex 44 (4), 368-375, 2008
Images of numbers, or “When 98 is upper left and 6 sky blue”
X Seron, M Pesenti, MP Noël, G Deloche, JA Cornet
Cognition 44 (1-2), 159-196, 1992
Neural correlates of symbolic number comparison in developmental dyscalculia
C Mussolin, A De Volder, C Grandin, X Schlögel, MC Nassogne, MP Noël
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 22 (5), 860-874, 2010
Magnitude comparison in preschoolers: What counts? Influence of perceptual variables
L Rousselle, E Palmers, MP Noël
Journal of experimental child psychology 87 (1), 57-84, 2004
Developmental changes in the profiles of dyscalculia: An explanation based on a double exact-and-approximate number representation model
MP Noël, L Rousselle
Frontiers in human neuroscience 5, 165, 2011
Counting on working memory when learning to count and to add: a preschool study.
MP Noël
Developmental Psychology 45 (6), 1630, 2009
Arabic number reading deficit: A single case study or when 236 is read (2306) and judged superior to 1258
MP Noel, X Seron
Cognitive neuropsychology 10 (4), 317-339, 1993
The development of children’s inhibition: Does parenting matter?
I Roskam, M Stievenart, JC Meunier, MP Noël
Journal of experimental child psychology 122, 166-182, 2014
Comparing the magnitude of two fractions with common components: Which representations are used by 10-and 12-year-olds?
G Meert, J Grégoire, MP Noël
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 107 (3), 244-259, 2010
The Whorfian hypothesis and numerical cognition: istwenty-four'processed in the same way asfour-and-twenty'?
M Brysbaert, W Fias, MP Noël
Cognition 66 (1), 51-77, 1998
Training executive function in preschoolers reduce externalizing behaviors
AMS Volckaert, MP Noël
Trends in Neuroscience and Education 4 (1-2), 37-47, 2015
Involvement of short-term memory in complex mental calculation
MP Noël, M Désert, A Aubrun, X Seron
Memory & cognition 29 (1), 34-42, 2001
Rational numbers: Componential versus holistic representation of fractions in a magnitude comparison task
G Meert, J Grégoire, MP Noël
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (8), 1598-1616, 2009
The development of automatic numerosity processing in preschoolers: evidence for numerosity-perceptual interference.
L Rousselle, MP Noël
Developmental psychology 44 (2), 544, 2008
Working memory as a predictor of addition skills and addition strategies in children.
MP Noël, X Seron, F Trovarelli
Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition, 2004
About the influence of the presentation format on arithmetical-fact retrieval processes
MP Noël, W Fias, M Brysbaert
Cognition 63 (3), 335-374, 1997
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Articles 1–20