Victoria C. Ramenzoni
Cited by
Cited by
Usable science for managing the risks of sea‐level rise
RE Kopp, EA Gilmore, CM Little, J Lorenzo‐Trueba, VC Ramenzoni, ...
Earth's future 7 (12), 1235-1269, 2019
Adaptation and resilience of commercial fishers in the Northeast United States during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
SL Smith, AS Golden, V Ramenzoni, DR Zemeckis, OP Jensen
PloS one 15 (12), e0243886, 2020
Adaptive capacity and social-ecological resilience of coastal areas: A systematic review
H Ferro-Azcona, A Espinoza-Tenorio, R Calderón-Contreras, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 173, 36-51, 2019
Vulnerability of fishery-based livelihoods to extreme events: local perceptions of damages from Hurricane Irma and Tropical Storm Alberto in Yaguajay, Central Cuba
VC Ramenzoni, D Borroto Escuela, A Rangel Rivero, P González-Díaz, ...
Coastal Management 48 (5), 354-377, 2020
Governance and conservation effectiveness in protected areas and indigenous and locally managed areas
Y Zhang, P West, L Thakholi, K Suryawanshi, M Supuma, D Straub, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 48 (1), 559-588, 2023
Endenese fisheries: Exploratory findings on environmental perceptions, fish effort, and overfishing in Eastern Indonesia
VC Ramenzoni
Ethnobiology Letters 4, 39-51, 2013
Usable Science for Managing the Risks of Sea-Level Rise, Earth’s Future, 7, 1235–1269
RE Kopp, EA Gilmore, CM Little, J Lorenzo-Trueba, VC Ramenzoni, ...
NOAA Habitat Restoration and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Socioeconomic benefits of habitat restoration
G Samonte, PET Edwards, JJE Royster, V Ramenzoni, SM Morlock
National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric …, 2017
An empirical comparison of knowledge and skill in the context of traditional ecological knowledge
EP Kightley, V Reyes-García, K Demps, RV Magtanong, VC Ramenzoni, ...
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 9, 1-11, 2013
Reconstructing the history and the effects of mechanization in a small-scale fishery of Flores, Eastern Indonesia (1917–2014)
VC Ramenzoni
Frontiers in marine Science 4, 65, 2017
The effect of marine protected areas on fishers' income in the philippines
GPB Samonte, VC Ramenzoni, TU Dacles, D Fortenbacher
Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics 3 (1), 2, 2016
Co-Governance, transregional maritime conventions, and indigenous customary practices among subsistence fishermen in ende, Indonesia
VC Ramenzoni
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 668586, 2021
Conocimiento local y percepciones de cambios ambientales de pescadores artesanales residentes en Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba
L López-Castañeda, J Vázquez-Rodríguez, VC Ramenzoni, ...
Pescadores en México y Cuba: Retos y oportunidades ante el Cambio Climático …, 2020
Transnational research for coastal wetlands conservation in a Cuba–US setting
VC Ramenzoni, MR Besonen, D Yoskowitz, VV Sánchez, AR Rivero, ...
Global Sustainability 3, e19, 2020
Estimación del valor económico total de los bienes y servicios ecosistémicos que provee el Parque Nacional Caguanes
L López-Castañeda, IH Ramos, DY Borroto-Escuela, AF Méndez, ...
Revista de Investigaciones Marinas 41 (2 (Especial 3)), 2021
Estilos de vida de campesinos y pescadores ocasionales residentes en Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba
V Vázquez Sánchez, A Rangel Rivero, S Peña Alcolea, YA Díaz Fuentes, ...
Revista argentina de antropología biológica 22 (2), 1-2, 2020
Systematic review of recent social indicator efforts in US coastal and ocean ecosystems (2000–2016)
VC Ramenzoni, D Yoskowitz
Environment and Society 8 (1), 9-39, 2017
Is environmental uncertainty redefining fishing strategies? The use of the traditional lunar calendar to allocate fishing effort in Ende, Eastern Indonesia
VC Ramenzoni
Climate Change, Culture, and Economics: Anthropological Investigations 35 …, 2015
Usable science for managing the risks of sea-level rise. Earth’s Future 7 (12): 1235–1269
RE Kopp, EA Gilmore, CM Little, J Lorenzo-Trueba, VC Ramenzoni, ...
Destructive fishing practices in Ende, Flores, Indonesia: the importance of designing co-governance programs and policy-making in dealing with climate change
VC Ramenzoni
Compendium of IASC 2013 Fellows and Travel Grantees, …, 2015
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Articles 1–20