Qiushuang Song
Qiushuang Song
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Discrimination of the production season of Chinese green tea by chemical analysis in combination with supervised pattern recognition
W Xu, Q Song, D Li, X Wan
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60 (28), 7064-7070, 2012
The effect of high-pressure processing on sensory quality and consumer acceptability of fruit juices and smoothies: A review
Q Song, R Li, X Song, MP Clausen, V Orlien, D Giacalone
Food Research International 157, 111250, 2022
Sensory quality and consumer perception of high pressure processed orange juice and apple juice
Q Song, CJB Rune, AK Thybo, MP Clausen, V Orlien, D Giacalone
Lwt 173, 114303, 2023
Consumer perception of plant-based burger recipes studied by projective mapping
CJB Rune, Q Song, MP Clausen, D Giacalone
Future Foods 6, 100168, 2022
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