Dr Mohammad Shahid
Dr Mohammad Shahid
Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
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Levelized Multiple Workflow Allocation Strategy under Precedence Constraints with Task Merging in IaaS Cloud Environment
F Ahmad, M Shahid, M Alam, Z Ashraf, M Sajid, K Kotecha, G Dhiman
IEEE Access 10, 92809-92827, 2022
Exploring the determinants of adoption of Unified Payment Interface (UPI) in India: A study based on diffusion of innovation theory
Fahad, M Shahid
Digital Business Journal, Elsevier, 100040, 2022
Corporate social responsibility spending and earnings management: The moderating effect of ownership structure
G Ahmad, F Hayat, FA Almaqtari, NHS Farhan, M Shahid
Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier 384, 135556, 2022
Security prioritized multiple workflow allocation model under precedence constraints in cloud computing environment
M Alam, M Shahid, S Mustajab
Cluster Computing, Springer, 1-36, 2023
Level based batch scheduling strategy with idle slot reduction under DAG constraints for computational grid
M Shahid, Z Raza, M Sajid
Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier 108, 110-133, 2015
A deadline aware load balancing strategy for cloud computing
RA Haidri, M Alam, M Shahid, S Prakash, M Sajid
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 34 (1), e6496, 2022
Blockchain technology meets 6 G wireless networks: A systematic survey
KMB Hasan, M Sajid, MA Lapina, M Shahid, K Kotecha
Alexandria Engineering Journal 92, 199-220, 2024
Energy‐efficient scheduling algorithms for batch‐of‐tasks (BoT) applications on heterogeneous computing systems
M Sajid, Z Raza, M Shahid
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Online Wiley 28 (9 …, 2016
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Using Algebraic Harris Hawks Optimization Algorithm
M Sajid, MS Jawed, S Abidin, M Shahid, S Ahamad, J Singh
Intelligent Techniques for Cyber-Physical Systems, 183-210, 2023
SAHEFT: Security aware heterogeneous earliest finish time workflow allocation strategy for IaaS cloud environment
M Alam, M Shahid, S Mustajab
2021 IEEE Madras Section Conference (MASCON), 1-8, 2021
A fault-tolerant hybrid resource allocation model for dynamic computational grid
S Sheikh, A Nagaraju, M Shahid
Journal of Computational Science, Elsevier 48, 101268, 2021
Security challenges for workflow allocation model in cloud computing environment: a comprehensive survey, framework, taxonomy, open issues, and future directions
M Alam, M Shahid, S Mustajab
The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, 1-65, 2024
A novel portfolio selection strategy using gradient-based optimizer
M Shahid, Z Ashraf, M Shamim, MS Ansari
Proceedings of International Conference on Data Science and Applications …, 2022
Resource-aware load balancing model for batch of tasks (BoT) with best fit migration policy on heterogeneous distributed computing systems
M Alam, RA Haidri, M Shahid
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, Emerald …, 2020
A risk-budgeted portfolio selection strategy using invasive weed optimization
M Shahid, MS Ansari, M Shamim, Z Ashraf
Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence, 363-371, 2022
A precedence based load balancing strategy for batch of DAGs for computational grid
M Shahid, Z Raza
2014 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics …, 2014
Security-Aware Workflow Allocation Strategy for IaaS Cloud Environment
M Shahid, M Alam, F Hasan, M Imran
Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Computational …, 2020
Hybrid bio-inspired scheduling algorithms for batch of tasks on heterogeneous computing system
M Sajid, Z Raza, M Shahid
International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, Inderscience 11 (3), 135-148, 2018
Level-based batch scheduling strategies for computational grid
M Shahid, Z Raza
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computinlg, Inderscience 5 (2 …, 2014
A novel evolutionary optimization algorithm based solution approach for portfolio selection problem
M Shahid, M Shamim, Z Ashraf, MS Ansari
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, IEAS 11 (3), 843-850, 2022
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Articles 1–20