Laurent Jacques
Laurent Jacques
Professor, ISPGroup, INMA/ICTEAM, UCLouvain, Belgium
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Robust 1-bit compressive sensing via binary stable embeddings of sparse vectors
L Jacques, JN Laska, PT Boufounos, RG Baraniuk
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 59 (4), 2082-2102, 2013
Compressed sensing imaging techniques for radio interferometry
Y Wiaux, L Jacques, G Puy, AMM Scaife, P Vandergheynst
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 395 (3), 1733-1742, 2009
Dequantizing compressed sensing: When oversampling and non-gaussian constraints combine
L Jacques, DK Hammond, JM Fadili
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 57 (1), 559-571, 2011
Stereographic wavelet frames on the sphere
I Bogdanova, P Vandergheynst, JP Antoine, L Jacques*, M Morvidone
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (*: first author) 19 (2), 223-252, 2005
Wavelets on the sphere: Implementation and approximations
JP Antoine, L Demanet, L Jacques, P Vandergheynst
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 13 (3), 177-200, 2002
Omnidirectional sensor array system
L Bagnato, L Jacques, P Vandergheynst, H Afshari, A Schmid, Y Leblebici
US Patent 9,876,953, 2018
A short note on compressed sensing with partially known signal support
L Jacques
Signal Processing 90 (12), 3308-3312, 2010
A panorama on multiscale geometric representations, intertwining spatial, directional and frequency selectivity
L Jacques, L Duval, C Chaux, G Peyré
Signal Processing, 2011
Diffeomorphic registration of images with variable contrast enhancement
G Janssens, L Jacques, J Orban de Xivry, X Geets, B Macq
International journal of biomedical imaging 2011 (1), 891585, 2011
Correspondence principle between spherical and Euclidean wavelets
Y Wiaux, L Jacques, P Vandergheynst
The Astrophysical Journal 632, 15, 2005
Quantized iterative hard thresholding: Bridging 1-bit and high-resolution quantized compressed sensing
L Jacques, K Degraux, C De Vleeschouwer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.1786, 2013
The PANOPTIC camera: a plenoptic sensor with real-time omnidirectional capability
H Afshari, L Jacques, L Bagnato, A Schmid, P Vandergheynst, Y Leblebici
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 70, 305-328, 2013
Sparsity Driven People Localization with a Heterogeneous Network of Cameras
A Alahi, L Jacques, Y Boursier, P Vandergheynst
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 1-20, 2011
Quantization and compressive sensing
PT Boufounos, L Jacques, F Krahmer, R Saab
Compressed Sensing and its Applications: MATHEON Workshop 2013, 193-237, 2015
CMOS compressed imaging by random convolution
L Jacques, P Vandergheynst, A Bibet, V Majidzadeh, A Schmid, ...
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2009. ICASSP 2009. IEEE …, 2009
Heterogenous void growth revealed by in situ 3-D X-ray microtomography using automatic cavity tracking
L Lecarme, E Maire, AK Kc, C De Vleeschouwer, L Jacques, A Simar, ...
Acta Materialia 63, 130-139, 2014
Quantized compressive sensing with rip matrices: The benefit of dithering
C Xu, L Jacques
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 9 (3), 543-586, 2020
A (256× 256) pixel 76.7 mW CMOS imager/compressor based on real-time in-pixel compressive sensing
V Majidzadeh, L Jacques, A Schmid, P Vandergheynst, Y Leblebici
Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems …, 2010
Fast directional correlation on the sphere with steerable filters
Y Wiaux, L Jacques, P Vielva, P Vandergheynst
The Astrophysical Journal 652, 820, 2006
On the noise robustness of simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit
JF Determe, J Louveaux, L Jacques, F Horlin
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (4), 864-875, 2016
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Articles 1–20