Mest populære publikationer
h5-indekset er h-indekset for de artikler, der er udgivet inden for de seneste 5 hele år. Det er det største antal h, således at h artikler, som er udgivet i perioden 2018-2022, har mindst h henvisninger hver.skjul
h5-medianen for en publikation er det gennemsnitlige antal henvisninger for de artikler, der udgør h5-indekset.skjul
1.Educational Management Administration & Leadership5281
2.Professional Development in Education4466
3.Educational Administration Quarterly4164
4.International Journal of Educational Management4161
5.Journal of Education Policy4060
6.Educational Policy3754
7.School Leadership & Management3561
8.Phi Delta Kappan3557
9.Journal of Educational Administration3463
10.International Journal of Leadership in Education3359
11.School Effectiveness and School Improvement3356
12.Education and Urban Society3052
13.Leadership and Policy in Schools2641
14.Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability2539
15.Journal of School Leadership2438
16.Educational Leadership2432
17.The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas2236
18.International Studies in Educational Administration (Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration & Management (CCEAM))2133
19.Management in Education1934
20.Arts Education Policy Review1930
Antallet af datoer og henvisninger er beregnet og fastlægges automatisk af et computerprogram.