Mest populære publikationer
h5-indekset er h-indekset for de artikler, der er udgivet inden for de seneste 5 hele år. Det er det største antal h, således at h artikler, som er udgivet i perioden 2018-2022, har mindst h henvisninger hver.skjul
h5-medianen for en publikation er det gennemsnitlige antal henvisninger for de artikler, der udgør h5-indekset.skjul
2.The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science3956
4.Philosophy of Science2736
6.Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics2432
7.Philosopher's Imprint2336
8.Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A2336
9.European Journal for Philosophy of Science2235
10.Journal of Philosophical Logic2233
11.Journal of Philosophy1931
12.Pacific Philosophical Quarterly1928
13.Foundations of Science1926
14.Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements1831
15.The Review of Symbolic Logic1827
16.History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences1824
17.The Monist1823
18.Journal for General Philosophy of Science1520
19.Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences1419
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